From nano to micro: topographical scale and its impact on cell adhesion, morphology and contact guidance
Topography, among other physical factors such as substrate stiffness and extracellular
forces, is known to have a great influence on cell behaviours. Optimization of topographical …
forces, is known to have a great influence on cell behaviours. Optimization of topographical …
[HTML][HTML] Sonochemical synthesis of carbon dots, mechanism, effect of parameters, and catalytic, energy, biomedical and tissue engineering applications
Carbon-based nanomaterials are gaining more and more interest because of their wide
range of applications. Carbon dots (CDs) have shown exclusive interest due to unique and …
range of applications. Carbon dots (CDs) have shown exclusive interest due to unique and …
In vitro neurons learn and exhibit sentience when embodied in a simulated game-world
Integrating neurons into digital systems may enable performance infeasible with silicon
alone. Here, we develop DishBrain, a system that harnesses the inherent adaptive …
alone. Here, we develop DishBrain, a system that harnesses the inherent adaptive …
Remote magnetic orientation of 3D collagen hydrogels for directed neuronal regeneration
Hydrogel matrices are valuable platforms for neuronal tissue engineering. Orienting gel
fibers to achieve a directed scaffold is important for effective functional neuronal …
fibers to achieve a directed scaffold is important for effective functional neuronal …
Recent advances in enhances peripheral nerve orientation: the synergy of micro or nano patterns with therapeutic tactics
Several studies suggest that topographical patterns influence nerve cell fate. Efforts have
been made to improve nerve cell functionality through this approach, focusing on …
been made to improve nerve cell functionality through this approach, focusing on …
Gold nanoparticle-decorated scaffolds promote neuronal differentiation and maturation
Engineered 3D neuronal networks are considered a promising approach for repairing the
damaged spinal cord. However, the lack of a technological platform encouraging axonal …
damaged spinal cord. However, the lack of a technological platform encouraging axonal …
Critical dynamics arise during structured information presentation within embodied in vitro neuronal networks
Understanding how brains process information is an incredibly difficult task. Amongst the
metrics characterising information processing in the brain, observations of dynamic near …
metrics characterising information processing in the brain, observations of dynamic near …
Iron oxide nanoparticles for neuronal cell applications: uptake study and magnetic manipulations
M Marcus, M Karni, K Baranes, I Levy, N Alon… - Journal of …, 2016 - Springer
Background The ability to direct and manipulate neuronal cells has important potential in
therapeutics and neural network studies. An emerging approach for remotely guiding cells is …
therapeutics and neural network studies. An emerging approach for remotely guiding cells is …
Recent advances in nanotherapeutic strategies for spinal cord injury repair
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating and complicated condition with no cure available.
The initial mechanical trauma is followed by a secondary injury characterized by …
The initial mechanical trauma is followed by a secondary injury characterized by …
Interactions of neurons with physical environments
M Marcus, K Baranes, M Park, IS Choi… - Advanced …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Nerve growth strongly relies on multiple chemical and physical signals throughout
development and regeneration. Currently, a cure for injured neuronal tissue is an unmet …
development and regeneration. Currently, a cure for injured neuronal tissue is an unmet …