Open-Source Data Formalization through Model-Based Systems Engineering for Concurrent Preliminary Design of CubeSats
Market trends in the space sector suggest a notable increase in satellite operations and
market value for the coming decade. In parallel, there has been a shift in the industrial and …
market value for the coming decade. In parallel, there has been a shift in the industrial and …
Mbse challenges in the concurrent preliminary design of cubesats: Nanospace study
In this paper, the early endeavours of the incorporation of a Model-based Systems
Engineering (MBSE) approach to the open-source Nanospace framework is discussed …
Engineering (MBSE) approach to the open-source Nanospace framework is discussed …
Hierarchical Planning Applied to the Preliminary Design of CubeSats: Nanospace Study
CubeSat design has been already studied and formalized but knowledge representation
remains a challenge. The management of human‐learnt knowledge during the process is …
remains a challenge. The management of human‐learnt knowledge during the process is …
Data Formalisation through MBSE for Concurrent Preliminary Design of CubeSats
G Luccisano - 2024 -
The space market trends indicate that in the next decade, the space industry will continue to
experience a radical transformation in terms of the number of operating satellites and market …
experience a radical transformation in terms of the number of operating satellites and market …
[PDF][PDF] Crop Optimization in Space with Machine learning & Offline computation of Strategies–COSMOS
Advances in space exploration require human beings to be in space for the long term.
Indeed, permanent settlement on other planets is now very much on the agenda, as are long …
Indeed, permanent settlement on other planets is now very much on the agenda, as are long …
T Guillerme, T Allain, JSL Paez, G Quinsac… -
In the frame of the ever-increasing CubeSat sector, accommodating CubeSat philosophy
and benefits with requirements inherent to space missions remains a challenge. CubeSats …
and benefits with requirements inherent to space missions remains a challenge. CubeSats …
Élaboration D'un Logiciel de Mission Pour un Satellite de Type Cubesat
KVCK de Souza - 2023 -
Au cours des dernières années, les satellites de type CubeSat deviennent de plus en plus
populaires et leur présence dans l'espace a considérablement augmenté. Leur simplicité …
populaires et leur présence dans l'espace a considérablement augmenté. Leur simplicité …
Evaluierung einer cloud-native Entwicklungsumgebung für das modellbasierte Systems Engineering für Raumfahrtsysteme
D Eller - 2022 -
MBSE must support a wide variety of configurations because it works with a variety of soft-
ware and interfaces. The resource requirements of the software used can exceed the capaci …
ware and interfaces. The resource requirements of the software used can exceed the capaci …