The resilience of Dwarf goats to environmental stress: A review

JO Daramola, MO Abioja, OS Iyasere, OE Oke… - Small Ruminant …, 2021 - Elsevier
Goat plays a vital role in the rural village economy and are critical for food security and
livelihood. The contributions of goats to the economy of millions of rural people …

Exploring the Genetic Diversity: A Review of Germplasm in Nigerian Indigenous Goat Breeds

AO Akintunde, I Mustofa, LC Ndubuisi-Ogbonna… - Small Ruminant …, 2024 - Elsevier
Nigeria is home to a wide variety of indigenous goat breeds, each of which has evolved to fit
its particular environment and is an important genetic resource. Indigenous goat production …

[PDF][PDF] Principal component analysis of morphological traits of Assam Hill goat in Eastern Himalayan India.

G Khargharia, G Kadirvel, S Kumar, S Doley… - JAPS: Journal of …, 2015 -
The present study aimed to investigate the type and function of the Assam Hill goat of
Northeast India. A total of 67 female animals of 2 to 4 years of age were randomly selected …

Morphological structure of Zulu sheep based on principal component analysis of body measurements

BS Mavule, V Muchenje, CC Bezuidenhout… - Small Ruminant …, 2013 - Elsevier
Information regarding morphology of indigenous sheep in South Africa is scant, and even
where data exist it is rarely presented using standardised methodologies. Principal …

[PDF][PDF] Principal component analysis of body measurements and body indices and their correlation with body weight in Katjang does of Indonesia

WPB Putra, F Ilham - J. Dairy Vet. Anim. Res, 2019 -
The present study was aimed to investigate the body measurements and body indices of
Kacang do at Bone Bolango Regency of Indonesia. A total of 85 does (3years age) were …

Prediction of body weight from morphological traits of South African non-descript indigenous goats of Lepelle-Nkumbi Local Municipality using different data mining …

MC Mathapo, TJ Mugwabana, TL Tyasi - Tropical Animal Health and …, 2022 - Springer
Body weight is a vital trait which can assist farmers on selecting animals to use during
breeding season. Therefore, the study was conducted to develop the best model to predict …

[PDF][PDF] Multivariate analysis of morphological traits of local goats in Central Java, Indonesia

The objective of this research was to discriminate four local breeds of goat in Central Java-

Prediction of Body Weight by Using PCA-Supported Gradient Boosting and Random Forest Algorithms in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Reared in South-Eastern …

A Gomez-Vazquez, C Tırınk, AA Cruz-Tamayo… - Animals, 2024 -
Simple Summary Accurately estimating body weight is crucial for managing water buffalo
health and optimizing feeding strategies. This study explored the effectiveness of machine …

[HTML][HTML] Morphostructural characterization of the Black Creole goat raised in Central Mexico, a currently threatened zoogenetic resource

JC Silva-Jarquin, SI Román-Ponce, M Durán-Aguilar… - Animals, 2019 -
Simple Summary The need to characterize and document local animal populations has
gradually gained global importance. This is because these populations represent a genetic …

Multivariate principal component analysis to evaluate growth performances in Malabari goats of India

J Valsalan, T Sadan, T Venketachalapathy - Tropical animal health and …, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Evaluation of growth performances in Malabari goats was done with body weight
and major morphometric traits, viz. body height, body length and chest girth at 6, 9 and 12 …