Bioaerosols in the Earth system: Climate, health, and ecosystem interactions
Aerosols of biological origin play a vital role in the Earth system, particularly in the
interactions between atmosphere, biosphere, climate, and public health. Airborne bacteria …
interactions between atmosphere, biosphere, climate, and public health. Airborne bacteria …
Microbial ecology of the atmosphere
The atmosphere connects habitats across multiple spatial scales via airborne dispersal of
microbial cells, propagules and biomolecules. Atmospheric microorganisms have been …
microbial cells, propagules and biomolecules. Atmospheric microorganisms have been …
Bioaerosols in the atmosphere: A comprehensive review on detection methods, concentration and influencing factors
In the past few decades, especially since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-
19), the effects of atmospheric bioaerosols on human health, the environment, and climate …
19), the effects of atmospheric bioaerosols on human health, the environment, and climate …
Conditionally rare taxa disproportionately contribute to temporal changes in microbial diversity
Microbial communities typically contain many rare taxa that make up the majority of the
observed membership, yet the contribution of this microbial “rare biosphere” to community …
observed membership, yet the contribution of this microbial “rare biosphere” to community …
A review on airborne microorganisms in particulate matters: Composition, characteristics and influence factors
Y Zhai, X Li, T Wang, B Wang, C Li, G Zeng - Environment international, 2018 - Elsevier
Airborne microorganisms (AM), vital components of particulate matters (PM), are widespread
in the atmosphere. Since some AM have pathogenicity, they can lead to a wide range of …
in the atmosphere. Since some AM have pathogenicity, they can lead to a wide range of …
Airborne bacteria in the atmosphere: presence, purpose, and potential
Numerous recent studies have highlighted that the types of bacteria present in the
atmosphere often show predictable patterns across space and time. These patterns can be …
atmosphere often show predictable patterns across space and time. These patterns can be …
The microbiome of glaciers and ice sheets
Glaciers and ice sheets, like other biomes, occupy a significant area of the planet and
harbour biological communities with distinct interactions and feedbacks with their physical …
harbour biological communities with distinct interactions and feedbacks with their physical …
Indoor airborne bacterial communities are influenced by ventilation, occupancy, and outdoor air source
Architects and engineers are beginning to consider a new dimension of indoor air: the
structure and composition of airborne microbial communities. A first step in this emerging …
structure and composition of airborne microbial communities. A first step in this emerging …
Seasonal variability in bacterial and fungal diversity of the near-surface atmosphere
Bacteria and fungi are ubiquitous throughout the Earth's lower atmosphere where they often
represent an important component of atmospheric aerosols with the potential to impact …
represent an important component of atmospheric aerosols with the potential to impact …
Humans differ in their personal microbial cloud
JF Meadow, AE Altrichter, AC Bateman, J Stenson… - PeerJ, 2015 -
Dispersal of microbes between humans and the built environment can occur through direct
contact with surfaces or through airborne release; the latter mechanism remains poorly …
contact with surfaces or through airborne release; the latter mechanism remains poorly …