The Central-Western Mediterranean: Anomalous igneous activity in an anomalous collisional tectonic setting

M Lustrino, S Duggen, CL Rosenberg - Earth-Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
The central-western Mediterranean area is a key region for understanding the complex
interaction between igneous activity and tectonics. In this review, the specific geochemical …

From mantle to crust: Stretching the Mediterranean

L Jolivet, C Faccenna, C Piromallo - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2009 - Elsevier
The origin of forces driving the deformation of the continental crust near subduction zones
and especially in backarc regions is debated. This work is based on a compilation of SKS …

The geological map of Sardinia (Italy) at 1: 250,000 scale

L Carmignani, G Oggiano, A Funedda, P Conti… - Journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Over the last 25 years the Italian national geological map** program of the Italian
Geological Survey (CARG Project, italian: Progetto Carta Geologica) at 1: 50,000 scale has …

Combining controlled-source seismology and receiver function information to derive 3-D Moho topography for Italy

M Spada, I Bianchi, E Kissling… - Geophysical Journal …, 2013 -
The accurate definition of 3-D crustal structures and, in primis, the Moho depth, are the most
important requirement for seismological, geophysical and geodynamic modelling in complex …

Sicily's fold–thrust belt and slab roll-back: the SI. RI. PRO. seismic crustal transect

R Catalano, V Valenti, C Albanese… - Journal of the …, 2013 -
Sicily is a thick orogenic wedge formed by (1) the foreland (African) and its Sicilian orogen
and (2) the thick-skinned, Calabrian–Peloritani wedge. The crust under central Sicily, from …

Sardinia and the Alpine cycle: A tectono-sedimentary history at the Western Tethys edge

LG Costamagna - Earth-Science Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
A tectono-stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental comparison between Sardinia and the
coeval surrounding chains allowed to identify and characterize several Alpine-age tectonic …

[PDF][PDF] Tectonics, magmatism and geodynamics of Italy: what we know and what we imagine

E Carminati, M Lustrino, M Cuffaro… - Journal of the Virtual …, 2010 -
The Cenozoic geological evolution of the Italian area is characterized by the formation of two
major mountain chains-the Alps to the north and the Apennines throughout the peninsula …

Plate kinematics of the Western Mediterranean region during the Oligocene and Early Miocene

A Schettino, E Turco - Geophysical Journal International, 2006 -
The tectonic history of the Western Mediterranean region during the Oligocene and Early
Miocene is illustrated through a series of plate reconstructions, from chron C13n to chron …

[КНИГА][B] Geologie der Alpen

OA Pfiffner - 2024 -
Die Alpen spielen in der Geschichte der Geologie eine zentrale Rolle. In diesem Gebirge
können die unterschiedlichsten geologischen Phänomene besonders gut beobachtet …

Recent tectonic reorganization of the Nubia-Eurasia convergent boundary heading for the closure of the western Mediterranean

A Billi, C Faccenna, O Bellier… - Bulletin de la …, 2011 -
In the western Mediterranean area, after a long period (late Paleogene-Neogene) of Nubian
(W-Africa) northward subduction beneath Eurasia, subduction has almost ceased, as well as …