Dynamic exception points for fair liver allocation

ME Celdir, M Akan, S Tayur - Service Science, 2024 - pubsonline.informs.org
There are disparities in access to livers based on transplant patients' height, which
disproportionately affects Hispanics, Asians, and women (across all ethnicities), because …

Computational Eurotransplant kidney allocation simulations demonstrate the feasibility and benefit of T-cell epitope matching

M Niemann, N Lachmann, K Geneugelijk… - PLoS Computational …, 2021 - journals.plos.org
The EuroTransplant Kidney Allocation System (ETKAS) aims at allocating organs to patients
on the waiting list fairly whilst optimizing HLA match grades. ETKAS currently considers the …

A discrete-event simulation model of the kidney transplantation system in Rajasthan, India

M Shoaib, U Prabhakar, S Mahlawat… - Health Systems, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
We present a discrete-event simulation model of the kidney transplantation system in an
Indian state, Rajasthan. Organs are generated across the state based on the organ donation …

A simple incentive mechanism to alleviate the burden of organ wastage in transplantation

S Tunç, B Sandıkçı, B Tanrıöver - Management science, 2022 - pubsonline.informs.org
Despite efforts to increase the supply of donated organs for transplantation, organ shortages
persist. We study the problem of organ wastage in a queueing-theoretic framework. We …

[HTML][HTML] Cytomegalovirus Matching in Deceased Donor Kidney Allocation: Results From a US National Simulation Model

B Sandikçi, MY Ulukuş, MA Ergün… - Transplantation …, 2024 - journals.lww.com
Background. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infects> 60% of adults and can pose an independent
risk factor for allograft loss and mortality in solid organ transplant recipients. The purpose of …

A simulation-optimization framework to improve the organ transplantation offering system

I Erazo, D Goldsman, P Keskinocak… - 2022 Winter Simulation …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We propose a simulation-optimization-based methodology to improve the way that organ
transplant offers are made to potential recipients. Our policy can be applied to all types of …

Targeted Priority Mechanisms in Transplantation: Incentivizing, Not Enforcing, Efficient Matching of Organs

R Wang, S Tunc, B Sandikci, B Tanriover… - Not Enforcing, Efficient …, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
The persistent imbalance between organ supply and demand poses a significant challenge
for the life-saving treatment of transplantation. This study introduces innovative targeted …

Improving Causal Transplant Outcomes through Dynamic Organ Offer Estimation

A Marchese, H de Ferrante, J Berrevoets… - NeurIPS 2024 Causal …, 2024 - openreview.net
Matching donor organs to patients in need is a difficult but important problem. A crucial factor
in transplant outcomes is the cold ischemic time of the organ, which increases every time an …

[PDF][PDF] Using Non-Homogeneous and Doubly Stochastic Poisson Processes in Modeling Organ and Patient Arrivals for Kidney Transplant in the United States

M Salavati-Khoshghalb - 2023 - researchgate.net
Simulation of patient and kidney arrivals not only can be used in kidneytransplant matching
problem, but also can be used in healthcare system resource allocation (of surgeon, blood …

Epitope-based re-matching of donor-recipient pairs for kidney graft allocation

MM Mastrocinque - 2021 - rave.ohiolink.edu
When considering the matching of donor and recipient pairs for kidney transplantation, there
are many aspects that must be compared and evaluated in order to ensure the best …