[ספר][B] Substitution dynamical systems-spectral analysis

M Queffélec - 2010‏ - books.google.com
This volume mainly deals with the dynamics of finitely valued sequences, and more
specifically, of sequences generated by substitutions and automata. Those sequences …

[ספר][B] Distribution modulo one and Diophantine approximation

Y Bugeaud - 2012‏ - books.google.com
This book presents state-of-the-art research on the distribution modulo one of sequences of
integral powers of real numbers and related topics. Most of the results have never before …

[HTML][HTML] Dynamical directions in numeration

G Barat, V Berthé, P Liardet… - Annales de l'institut …, 2006‏ - numdam.org
Le but de ce survol est d'aborder définitions et propriétés concernant la numération d'un
point de vue dynamique: nous nous concentrons sur les systèmes de numération, leur …

Continued fractions in the field of 𝑝-adic numbers

G Romeo - Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 2024‏ - ams.org
Continued fractions have a long history in number theory, especially in the area of
Diophantine approximation. The aim of this expository paper is to survey the main results on …

[PDF][PDF] Initial powers of Sturmian sequences

V Berthé, C Holton, LQ Zamboni - ACTA ARITHMETICA-WARSZAWA …, 2006‏ - academia.edu
We investigate powers of prefixes in Sturmian sequences. We obtain an explicit formula for
ice (ω), the initial critical exponent of a Sturmian sequence ω, defined as the supremum of all …

Dynamics for β-shifts and Diophantine approximation

B Adamczewski, Y Bugeaud - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical …, 2007‏ - cambridge.org
We investigate the β-expansion of an algebraic number in an algebraic base β. Using tools
from Diophantine approximation, we prove several results that may suggest a strong …

Natural extensions and entropy of α-continued fractions

C Kraaikamp, TA Schmidt, W Steiner - Nonlinearity, 2012‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We construct a natural extension for each of Nakada's α-continued fraction transformations
and show the continuity as a function of α of both the entropy and the measure of the natural …

Diophantine properties of real numbers generated by finite automata

B Adamczewski, J Cassaigne - Compositio Mathematica, 2006‏ - cambridge.org
We study some Diophantine properties of automatic real numbers and we present a method
to derive irrationality measures for such numbers. As a consequence, we prove that the-adic …

Dynamics of continued fractions and kneading sequences of unimodal maps

C Bonanno, C Carminati, S Isola, G Tiozzo - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2010‏ - arxiv.org
In this paper we construct a correspondence between the parameter spaces of two families
of one-dimensional dynamical systems, the alpha-continued fraction transformations …

Heating of nuclei with energetic antiprotons

F Goldenbaum, W Bohne, J Eades, T Egidy, P Figuera… - Physical review …, 1996‏ - APS
Abstract The annihilation of energetic (1.2 GeV) antiprotons is exploited to deposit maximum
thermal excitation (up to 1000 MeV) in massive nuclei (Cu, Ho, Au, and U) while minimizing …