Non‐antibiotic approaches to combat motile Aeromonas infections in aquaculture: Current state of knowledge and future perspectives
LT Dien, TPH Ngo, TV Nguyen… - Reviews in …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Inland aquaculture contributed by three major fish groups, including carps, tilapias, and
catfish plays a vital role in global food security and nutrition, particularly in low and middle …
catfish plays a vital role in global food security and nutrition, particularly in low and middle …
Improving reproductive performance and larvae survival by dietary administration of probiotic Bacillus cereus NP5 in female African catfish Clarias gariepinus
Probiotic administration has the ability to increase broodstock performance and aquaculture
productivity. The effect of dietary probiotics Bacillus cereus NP5 on the reproductive …
productivity. The effect of dietary probiotics Bacillus cereus NP5 on the reproductive …
Synbiotic microcapsules of Bacillus subtilis and oat β-glucan on the growth, microbiota, and immunity of Nile tilapia
Survival of probiotics in processed feed can be affected not only by feed processing
techniques but also by factors such as storage and gastrointestinal transit of ingested feed …
techniques but also by factors such as storage and gastrointestinal transit of ingested feed …
Improvement in growth, enzyme activity, and gene expression against Edwardsiellosis in African catfish (Clarias sp.) with dietary supplementation of euryhaline probiotic and …
Probiotics have become an alternative in the aquaculture industry and are considered an
environmentally friendly approach for disease control. However, the maintenance of the …
environmentally friendly approach for disease control. However, the maintenance of the …
Dietary supplementation of Bacillus sp. NP5 and dayak onion simplicia powder Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb. for the prevention of Aeromonas hydrophila in catfish …
Aeromonas hydrophila adalah penyebab utama penyakit bercak merah pada budidaya ikan
lele dan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi cukup besar pada akuakultur Indonesia …
lele dan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi cukup besar pada akuakultur Indonesia …
Immune responses and resistance of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed Probiotic Bacillus sp NP5 and prebiotic honey against White Spot Syndrome Virus …
White spot disease caused by White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is the most serious viral
disease and has a major impact on the decline in production of white shrimp farm. Improving …
disease and has a major impact on the decline in production of white shrimp farm. Improving …
Growth performance and immune response of catfish Clarias sp. given probiotics Bacillus megaterium PTB 1.4 and Pediococcus pentosaceus E2211
Motile aeromonad septicaemia (MAS) pada ikan lele dapat dikendalikan melalui respons
imun inang dengan pemberian probiotik. Pemberian bersama probiotik penghasil enzim …
imun inang dengan pemberian probiotik. Pemberian bersama probiotik penghasil enzim …
Application of probiotics for organic matter and enhancement of growth performance in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
1. Artikel ini membahas mengenai bagaimana kandungan total bahan organik pada air
pemeliharaan udang vaname yang diberi tambahan probiotik. 2. Pada artikel ini juga …
pemeliharaan udang vaname yang diberi tambahan probiotik. 2. Pada artikel ini juga …
Screening of probiotics from the digestive tract of gouramy (Osphronemus goramy) and their potency to enhance the growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
MA Suprayudi, M Zairin Jr… - Aquaculture, Aquarium …, 2016 -
The aims of this study were to select probiotic candidates from the digestive tract of gouramy
(Osphronemus goramy) and to evaluate their potency in improving the growth of tilapia …
(Osphronemus goramy) and to evaluate their potency in improving the growth of tilapia …
Growth performance, immune response, and resistance of Nile tilapia fed paraprobiotic Bacillus sp. NP5 against Streptococcus agalactiae infection
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi efektivitas pemberian paraprobiotik Bacillus sp. NP5
melalui pakan dalam meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan, respons imun, dan resistansi ikan …
melalui pakan dalam meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan, respons imun, dan resistansi ikan …