Transitional flow deposits on submarine lobe flank (Veřovice and Lhoty Fms, Albian–Cenomanian, Polish Outer Carpathians)
P Łapcik - Sedimentary Geology, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Zagórnik-Rzyki studied section includes the upper part of the Veřovice Fm and
the lower part of the Lhoty Fm (Aptian–Albian), which are small fragments of the much …
the lower part of the Lhoty Fm (Aptian–Albian), which are small fragments of the much …
An integrated process‐based model of flutes and tool marks in deep‐water environments: Implications for palaeohydraulics, the Bouma sequence and hybrid event …
Flutes and tool marks are commonly observed sedimentary structures on the bases of
sandstones in deep‐water successions. These sole structures are universally used as …
sandstones in deep‐water successions. These sole structures are universally used as …
Depositional processes and stratigraphic architecture within a coarse-grained rift-margin turbidite system: The Wollaston Forland Group, east Greenland
Abstract The Wollaston Forland Basin, NE Greenland, is a half-graben with a Middle
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous basin-fill. In this outcrop study we investigate the facies …
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous basin-fill. In this outcrop study we investigate the facies …
[PDF][PDF] Contrasting styles of siliciclastic flysch sedimentation in the Upper Cretaceous of the Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians: sedimentology and genetic …
P Strzeboński - Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2022 - bibliotekanauki.pl
This study reports on a new set of sedimentological data and related interpretations of the
Santonian–Campanian siliciclastic deposits in the Western Flysch Carpathians based on …
Santonian–Campanian siliciclastic deposits in the Western Flysch Carpathians based on …
Status and trends in research on deep‐water gravity flow deposits
Y Tian, C Yingchang, W Yanzhong… - Acta Geologica …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Deep‐water gravity flows are one of the most important sediment transport mechanisms on
Earth. After 60 years of study, significant achievements have been made in terms of …
Earth. After 60 years of study, significant achievements have been made in terms of …
Deltas: new paradigms
C Zavala, M Arcuri, A Zorzano… - The Depositional …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Deltas are deposits directly accumulated by land‐generated gravity flows in a standing body
of water. The paradigm of deltaic sedimentation has dramatically changed during recent …
of water. The paradigm of deltaic sedimentation has dramatically changed during recent …
Sedimentological and diagenetic control on the reservoir quality of deep-lacustrine sedimentary gravity flow sand reservoirs of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation …
N Sun, J Zhong, B Hao, Y Ge, R Swennen - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The Upper Triassic deep-lacustrine sedimentary gravity flow sandstones
(Yanchang Formation, Southern Ordos Basin) form an important oil reservoir, however, it is …
(Yanchang Formation, Southern Ordos Basin) form an important oil reservoir, however, it is …
Gravity-flow deposits caused by different initiation processes in a deep-lake system
Gravity flows may be triggered by different initiation processes in both marine and lacustrine
basins. Recognizing the different initiation processes of gravity flow based on their deposits …
basins. Recognizing the different initiation processes of gravity flow based on their deposits …
Basin development and petroleum prospectivity of the hybrid turbidite-contourite system in the east Pande area, offshore Tanzania
Abstract 2D seismic reflection and wellbore data were used to investigate the structure and
stratigraphy of the East Pande block, offshore Tanzania, allowing an assessment to be made …
stratigraphy of the East Pande block, offshore Tanzania, allowing an assessment to be made …
Seismic stratigraphy and petroleum prospectivity in the Northern Rovuma Basin, offshore Tanzania
The upper slope area of the Northern Rovuma Basin has been poorly studied and little is
known about its development and petroleum prospectivity. Interpretation of wellbore, 2D and …
known about its development and petroleum prospectivity. Interpretation of wellbore, 2D and …