Fiscal decentralisation and inclusive growth: An overview
J Kim - 2018 - oecd-ilibrary.org
Inclusive growth is now high on government agendas in many countries. This chapter
provides an overview of the role of fiscal decentralisation for inclusive growth. Considering …
provides an overview of the role of fiscal decentralisation for inclusive growth. Considering …
Tax autonomy mitigates soft budget constraint: evidence from Spanish Regions
M Arespa, J González-Alegre - Journal of Public Policy, 2023 - cambridge.org
Within the framework of the soft budget constraint problem, this article investigates the
impact of a legislative reform that increased regional tax autonomy on the propensity of …
impact of a legislative reform that increased regional tax autonomy on the propensity of …
[PDF][PDF] Italy
E Alber, A Valdesalici - The Forum of Federations Handbook of …, 2023 - library.oapen.org
Italy with its population of 60,317,000 (as of 01 January 2020; Istat 2020a) and its territory of
302,068 km2 is highly diverse, with a persistent North–South divide. The territory is one of …
302,068 km2 is highly diverse, with a persistent North–South divide. The territory is one of …
Features and trajectories of fiscal federalism in Italy
A Valdesalici - Available at SSRN 2812099, 2014 - papers.ssrn.com
Features and trajectories of fiscal federalism in Italy Page 1 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2812099
Arbeitskopie 73 Alice Valdesalici Features and trajectories of fiscal federalism in Italy 1 …
Arbeitskopie 73 Alice Valdesalici Features and trajectories of fiscal federalism in Italy 1 …
Subsidiarity and Secession: Bringing the Austrian School to the 21st Century
M Falcone - Liberty and Security in an Anarchical World Volume II …, 2024 - Springer
Skepticism about the effectiveness of international institutions is relatively high across the
world (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung/YouGov 2021). Seen as a waste of money for taxpayers and …
world (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung/YouGov 2021). Seen as a waste of money for taxpayers and …
[ספר][B] Decentralizacja fiskalna jako ograniczenie zjawiska Lewiatana
B Guziejewska - 2022 - ceeol.com
Kierunki rozwoju społeczeństw u progu 2022 roku nie są jasne i oczywiste dla ekonomistów,
socjologów oraz innych badaczy. Dla scenariuszy rozwojowych istotne są dwa zasadnicze …
socjologów oraz innych badaczy. Dla scenariuszy rozwojowych istotne są dwa zasadnicze …
[PDF][PDF] South Tyrol
E Alber, C Zwilling - Online Compendium Autonomy Arrangements in …, 2016 - academia.edu
The clear majority of Italy's population of almost 59.4 million according to the 2011 census
are Italian-speakers. This does not mean, however, that the country is from a linguistic point …
are Italian-speakers. This does not mean, however, that the country is from a linguistic point …
E Alber, M Trettel - … : Ongoing Challenges and Policy Strategies in …, 2018 - books.google.com
No univocal pattern can be found when it comes to dealing with the distribution of
competencies in the field of education in federal and regional countries. On the one side …
competencies in the field of education in federal and regional countries. On the one side …
[ספר][B] Federal State-building, asymmetric federalism and European integration: the case of the Eurozone
F Violi - 2020 - search.proquest.com
This thesis aims at answering the following questions: To what extent does the Eurozone
represent a federal political system; to what extent does the EU's monetary integration …
represent a federal political system; to what extent does the EU's monetary integration …
[PDF][PDF] El federalismo como estructura del Estado
TG López - Horizontes 2030 para el desarrollo - puees.unam.mx
La Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos determina como base sustancial
del Estado su integración federalista, de principio a fin, en todos los elementos de su …
del Estado su integración federalista, de principio a fin, en todos los elementos de su …