Scaling laws for the energy transfer in space plasma turbulence
R Marino, L Sorriso-Valvo - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
One characteristic trait of space plasmas is the multi-scale dynamics resulting from non-
linear transfers and conversions of various forms of energy. Routinely evidenced in a range …
linear transfers and conversions of various forms of energy. Routinely evidenced in a range …
Cascades and transitions in turbulent flows
Turbulent flows are characterized by the non-linear cascades of energy and other inviscid
invariants across a huge range of scales, from where they are injected to where they are …
invariants across a huge range of scales, from where they are injected to where they are …
Attached eddy model of wall turbulence
Modeling wall turbulence remains a major challenge, as a sufficient physical understanding
of these flows is still lacking. In an effort to move toward a physics-based model, AA …
of these flows is still lacking. In an effort to move toward a physics-based model, AA …
Multifractal analysis of financial markets: A review
Multifractality is ubiquitously observed in complex natural and socioeconomic systems.
Multifractal analysis provides powerful tools to understand the complex nonlinear nature of …
Multifractal analysis provides powerful tools to understand the complex nonlinear nature of …
Turbulence theories and statistical closure approaches
Y Zhou - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
When discussing research in physics and in science more generally, it is common to ascribe
equal importance to the three components of the scientific trinity: theoretical, experimental …
equal importance to the three components of the scientific trinity: theoretical, experimental …
[BOK][B] Turbulence: the legacy of AN Kolmogorov
U Frisch - 1995 - books.google.com
This textbook presents a modern account of turbulence, one of the greatest challenges in
physics. The state-of-the-art is put into historical perspective five centuries after the first …
physics. The state-of-the-art is put into historical perspective five centuries after the first …
[BOK][B] The lattice Boltzmann equation: for fluid dynamics and beyond
S Succi - 2001 - books.google.com
In recent years, stylized forms of the Boltzmann equation, now going by the name of" Lattice
Boltzmann equation"(LBE), have emerged, which relinquish most mathematical complexities …
Boltzmann equation"(LBE), have emerged, which relinquish most mathematical complexities …
[BOK][B] Critical phenomena in natural sciences: chaos, fractals, selforganization and disorder: concepts and tools
D Sornette - 2006 - books.google.com
Concepts, methods and techniques of statistical physics in the study of correlated, as well as
uncorrelated, phenomena are being applied ever increasingly in the natural sciences …
uncorrelated, phenomena are being applied ever increasingly in the natural sciences …
Scale-invariance and turbulence models for large-eddy simulation
▪ Abstract Relationships between small and large scales of motion in turbulent flows are of
much interest in large-eddy simulation of turbulence, in which small scales are not explicitly …
much interest in large-eddy simulation of turbulence, in which small scales are not explicitly …
Universal scaling laws in fully developed turbulence
ZS She, E Leveque - Physical review letters, 1994 - APS
The inertial-range scaling laws of fully developed turbulence are described in terms of
scalings of a sequence of moment ratios of the energy dissipation field ε l coarse-grained at …
scalings of a sequence of moment ratios of the energy dissipation field ε l coarse-grained at …