Exploring the intersection of algebraic and computational thinking

K Bråting, C Kilhamn - Mathematical thinking and learning, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This article investigates how the recent implementation of programming in school
mathematics interacts with algebraic thinking and learning. Based on Duval's theory of …

[PDF][PDF] Implementación y formación del profesorado de educación primaria en pensamiento computacional: una revisión sistemática

GO Meseguer, JL Serrano - RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de …, 2024 - redalyc.org
El pensamiento computacional engloba procesos mentales que propician soluciones
automatizadas a problemas específicos. Su integración en la educación primaria se …

The big why of implementing computational thinking In STEM education: A systematic literature review

NA Wahab, O Talib, F Razali… - Malaysian Journal of …, 2021 - msocialsciences.com
Computational Thinking (CT) has been increasingly embraced as a reformation in STEM
education. This paper discusses why the implementation of CT would have a considerable …

The impact of a STEM inquiry game learning scenario on computational thinking and computer self-confidence

S Psycharis, E Kotzampasaki - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics …, 2019 - ejmste.com
Computational thinking is an ability which is considered to be essential for the process of
problem solving in every science. The current empirical research aims to study the impact of …

Enriching students' combinatorial reasoning through the use of loops and conditional statements in Python

E Lockwood, A De Chenne - International Journal of Research in …, 2020 - Springer
When solving counting problems, students often struggle with determining what they are
trying to count (and thus what problem type they are trying to solve and, ultimately, what …

Implementation and training of primary education teachers in computational thinking: a systematic review.

G Ortuño Meseguer, JL Serrano Sánchez - 2024 - digitum.um.es
Computational thinking encompasses mental processes that facilitate automated solutions
to specific problems. Its integration into primary education is grounded in enhancing …

Systematic literature review (SLR) computational thinking learning science in the period 2012-2021

H Suharto - Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction, 2022 - ijeti-edu.org
The study review of the literature systematic displays an overview of research on
computational thinking in learning science in the period 2012 to 2021. In the process of …

A task for integrating computational thinking in the learning of affine function: An exploratory study with 8th grade students

A Mateus, H Oliveira, J Piedade - Quadrante, 2024 - quadrante.apm.pt
A recente introdução do pensamento computacional nos currículos de matemática exige
investimento no design de recursos que promovam uma aprendizagem integrada do …

Computational Thinking (CT)-based Student Worksheet to Improve the Mathematical Literacy of Mathematics Prospective Teacher

S Maharani, VD Susanti, T Andari… - AL-ISHLAH …, 2023 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
Mathematical Literacy ability has important for prospective mathematics teachers. It is
closely related to Computational Thinking (CT). The aim of this study is to produce CT …

Estado del arte de la enseñanza del pensamiento computacional en preescolar y educación primaria

AM Niño Martínez, BN Ospina González… - 2023 - repositorio.ciedupanama.org
El desarrollo del pensamiento computacional es uno de los desafíos del sistema educativo
actual, ya que en la sociedad del conocimiento en la que nos encontramos, la capacidad de …