Young students using iPads: App design and content influences on their learning pathways
G Falloon - Computers & Education, 2013 - Elsevier
The past few years have seen an array of new technological gadgets arrive on the education
scene, perhaps the best known of these being Apple's i-Device range, particularly the iPad …
scene, perhaps the best known of these being Apple's i-Device range, particularly the iPad …
Exploring the use of the iPad for literacy learning
A Hutchison, B Beschorner… - The Reading …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The goal of this investigation was to explore how a fourth grade teacher could integrate iP
ads into her literacy instruction to simultaneously teach print‐based and digital literacy …
ads into her literacy instruction to simultaneously teach print‐based and digital literacy …
Apps for English language learning: A systematic review.
FV Lim, W Toh - Teaching English with Technology, 2024 - ceeol.com
This article reports on a systematic review of research studies published from 2010 to 2021
on the use of apps for learning in the secondary English as a Second Language (ESL) …
on the use of apps for learning in the secondary English as a Second Language (ESL) …
What's the difference? Learning collaboratively using iPads in conventional classrooms
G Falloon - Computers & education, 2015 - Elsevier
Since its release in 2010, Apple's iPad has attracted much attention as an affordable and
flexible learning tool for all levels of education. A number of trials have been undertaken …
flexible learning tool for all levels of education. A number of trials have been undertaken …
[PDF][PDF] The role of the iPad in the hands of the learner.
The iPad is a well-known handheld interactive multimedia tool that has been quite popular
lately among teachers and students. Previous research indicates that handheld digital …
lately among teachers and students. Previous research indicates that handheld digital …
Study of affordances of iPads and teacher's private theories
Post-PC TouchPad mobile devices are increasingly being used in educational contexts.
Growing investment isplanned by higher education institutions in Hong Kong and by the …
Growing investment isplanned by higher education institutions in Hong Kong and by the …
[PDF][PDF] A reconceptualization of learning space as schools reopen amid and after COVID-19 pandemic
MB Cahapay - Asian Journal of Distance Education, 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
As educational systems begin to resume operations amid and after the Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) crisis, there is a complicated imagination of how learning will take place in …
2019 (COVID-19) crisis, there is a complicated imagination of how learning will take place in …
[КНИГА][B] L'intégration des TIC en contexte éducatif: modèles, réalités et enjeux
A Fiévez - 2017 - books.google.com
L'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) en contexte
éducatif représente une importante thématique d'action et de réflexion pour les …
éducatif représente une importante thématique d'action et de réflexion pour les …
Post-PC devices: A summary of early iPad technology adoption in tertiary environments
G Murphy - E-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of …, 2011 - eprints.qut.edu.au
In just under 3 months worldwide sales of Apple's iPad tablet device stood at over 3 million
units sold. The iPad device, along with rival products signify a shift in the way in which print …
units sold. The iPad device, along with rival products signify a shift in the way in which print …
[PDF][PDF] Young ESL Learners' Perception on the Effects of Using Digital Storytelling Application in English Language Learning.
LCH Amelia, MJZ Abidin - Pertanika Journal of Social …, 2018 - pertanika.upm.edu.my
Approaches used for English language teaching and learning have been changing from
time to time. Incorporation of technology into learning is believed to be able to bring positive …
time to time. Incorporation of technology into learning is believed to be able to bring positive …