Service quality in spectator sports: A review and research agenda
Although service quality in spectator sports has been subject to extensive research,
comprehensive studies map** the intellectual structure and foundations of service quality …
comprehensive studies map** the intellectual structure and foundations of service quality …
The influence of brand image and company reputation where manufacturers market to small firms: A customer value perspective
Branding research has largely focused on consumer goods markets and only recently has
attention been given to business markets. In many business markets the company's …
attention been given to business markets. In many business markets the company's …
Exploring the relationships between e‐service quality, satisfaction, attitudes and behaviours in content‐driven e‐service web sites
Purpose–The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual model to examine the
relationships among e‐service quality, consumer satisfaction, attitudes towards the web site …
relationships among e‐service quality, consumer satisfaction, attitudes towards the web site …
Brand image strategy affects brand equity after M&A
HM Lee, CC Lee, CC Wu - European journal of marketing, 2011 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the variance of
two brand images and dimensions of brand equity after M&A, especially when the acquirer …
two brand images and dimensions of brand equity after M&A, especially when the acquirer …
Exploring the impact of brand image on customer loyalty and commitment in China
IE Ogba, Z Tan - Journal of technology management in China, 2009 - emerald.com
Purpose–Whereas there is a growing recognition of the relevance of brand image to the
success of market offering and organisation, as indications suggests that a good brand …
success of market offering and organisation, as indications suggests that a good brand …
Analysing the professional sport experience: A hierarchical approach
MD Clemes, GJ Brush, MJ Collins - Sport management review, 2011 - Elsevier
Strategically managing spectator perceptions of service quality and understanding how
these perceptions affect value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions is very important if …
these perceptions affect value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions is very important if …
Dimensions of brand equity in the chain restaurant industry
S Sean Hyun, W Kim - Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Four of the dimensions that combine to contribute to chain restaurants' brand equity are
brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. A test of a structural …
brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. A test of a structural …
Sha** halal into a brand? Factors affecting consumers' halal brand purchase intention
The authors' aim was to find the possible positive relationships among branding constructs
(brand image, brand perceived quality, brand satisfaction, brand trust, and brand loyalty) to …
(brand image, brand perceived quality, brand satisfaction, brand trust, and brand loyalty) to …
[HTML][HTML] Imagen de Marca en la Percepción de la Calidad del Consumidor de los Vehículos Compactos
OM Echeverría Ríos… - Investigación …, 2016 - scielo.org.mx
En la actualidad la imagen de la marca ha influido en las grandes industrias, México no es
la excepción, al ser la automotriz una industria en crecimiento, su desarrollo reside …
la excepción, al ser la automotriz una industria en crecimiento, su desarrollo reside …
A visitor-based brand equity perspective: The case of a public festival
A Manthiou, J Kang, T Schrier - Tourism Review, 2014 - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper aims to empirically examine how five different brand equity dimensions
of a festival brand (ie awareness, image, quality, value and loyalty) are inter-related …
of a festival brand (ie awareness, image, quality, value and loyalty) are inter-related …