Organizational identity and organizational identification: A review of the literature and suggestions for future research

H He, AD Brown - Group & organization management, 2013 -
In this article, we present an overview of the literatures on organizational identity and
organizational identification. We provide overviews of four major approaches to …

Reflexive methodology: New vistas for qualitative research

M Alvesson, K Sköldberg - 2017 -
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Reflexive Methodology New Vistas for Qualitative Research Page 3
Reflexiv Methodolo New Vi Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to …

Identity regulation as organizational control: Producing the appropriate individual

M Alvesson, H Willmott - Journal of management studies, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
This paper takes the regulation of identity as a focus for examining organizational control. It
considers how employees are enjoined to develop self‐images and work orientations that …

Cultural entrepreneurship: Stories, legitimacy, and the acquisition of resources

M Lounsbury, MA Glynn - Strategic management journal, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
We define cultural entrepreneurship as the process of storytelling that mediates between
extant stocks of entrepreneurial resources and subsequent capital acquisition and wealth …

[BOOK][B] Translating organizational change

B Czarniawska-Joerges, G Sevón - 1996 -
This de Gruyter Series aims at publishing theoretical and methodological studies of
organizations as well as research findings, which yield insight in and knowledge about …

Genre repertoire: The structuring of communicative practices in organizations

WJ Orlikowski, JA Yates - Administrative science quarterly, 1994 - JSTOR
In this paper we propose the notions of genre and genre repertoire as analytic tools for
investigating the structuring of communicative practices within a community. As organizing …

Constructing organizations: The example of public sector reform

N Brunsson, K Sahlin-Andersson - Organization studies, 2000 -
Organizations are socially constructed phenomena. A crucial task for organizational
research is to analyze how and why people construct organizations rather than other social …

How do I know who you think you are? A review of research methods on organizational identity

D Ravasi, A Canato - International Journal of Management …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The notion of organizational identity was introduced in management studies in 1985. In the
following 25 years, a vibrant debate about how to conceptualize organizational identities …

[BOOK][B] Management of knowledge-intensive companies

M Alvesson - 1995 -
I commenced the study which resulted in this book after having worked at a theoretical level
for several years with symbolism and the cultural per-spective in organization research. This …

Development of a structurational model of identification in the organization

CR Scott, SR Corman, G Cheney - Communication Theory, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
In response to the growing interest in issues related to attachment in organizations, this
paper develops a theory of identification in the workplace based on three key aspects of …