Non-hermitian physics
A review is given on the foundations and applications of non-Hermitian classical and
quantum physics. First, key theorems and central concepts in non-Hermitian linear algebra …
quantum physics. First, key theorems and central concepts in non-Hermitian linear algebra …
Non-Hermitian physics and PT symmetry
In recent years, notions drawn from non-Hermitian physics and parity–time (PT) symmetry
have attracted considerable attention. In particular, the realization that the interplay between …
have attracted considerable attention. In particular, the realization that the interplay between …
Non-Hermitian and topological photonics: optics at an exceptional point
In the past few years, concepts from non-Hermitian (NH) physics, originally developed within
the context of quantum field theories, have been successfully deployed over a wide range of …
the context of quantum field theories, have been successfully deployed over a wide range of …
Observation of parity-time symmetry in optically induced atomic lattices
We experimentally demonstrate PT-symmetric optical lattices with periodical gain and loss
profiles in a coherently prepared four-level N-type atomic system. By appropriately tuning …
profiles in a coherently prepared four-level N-type atomic system. By appropriately tuning …
-Symmetric Acoustics
We introduce here the concept of acoustic parity-time (PT) symmetry and demonstrate the
extraordinary scattering characteristics of the acoustic PT medium. On the basis of exact …
extraordinary scattering characteristics of the acoustic PT medium. On the basis of exact …
Selective enhancement of topologically induced interface states in a dielectric resonator chain
The recent realization of topological phases in insulators and superconductors has
advanced the search for robust quantum technologies. The prospect to implement the …
advanced the search for robust quantum technologies. The prospect to implement the …
Accessing the exceptional points of parity-time symmetric acoustics
Parity-time (PT) symmetric systems experience phase transition between PT exact and
broken phases at exceptional point. These PT phase transitions contribute significantly to …
broken phases at exceptional point. These PT phase transitions contribute significantly to …
Experimental demonstration of a coherent perfect absorber with PT phase transition
We report the realization of a coherent perfect absorber, using a pair of passive resonators
coupled to a microwave transmission line in the background, which can completely absorb …
coupled to a microwave transmission line in the background, which can completely absorb …
The Talbot effect: recent advances in classical optics, nonlinear optics, and quantum optics
The Talbot effect, also referred to as self-imaging or lensless imaging, is of the phenomena
manifested by a periodic repetition of planar field distributions in certain types of wave fields …
manifested by a periodic repetition of planar field distributions in certain types of wave fields …
Topologically protected midgap states in complex photonic lattices
H Schomerus - Optics letters, 2013 - opg.optica.org
One of the principal goals in the design of photonic crystals is the engineering of band gaps
and defect states. Here I describe the formation of topologically protected localized midgap …
and defect states. Here I describe the formation of topologically protected localized midgap …