Towards structured sharing of raw and derived neuroimaging data across existing resources
Data sharing efforts increasingly contribute to the acceleration of scientific discovery.
Neuroimaging data is accumulating in distributed domain-specific databases and there is …
Neuroimaging data is accumulating in distributed domain-specific databases and there is …
[CARTE][B] Data on the web: from relations to semistructured data and XML
The Web is causing a revolution in how we represent, retrieve, and process information Its
growth has given us a universally accessible database-but in the form of a largely …
growth has given us a universally accessible database-but in the form of a largely …
Minicon: A scalable algorithm for answering queries using views
The problem of answering queries using views is to find efficient methods of answering a
query using a set of previously materialized views over the database, rather than accessing …
query using a set of previously materialized views over the database, rather than accessing …
Database techniques for the World-Wide Web: A survey
D Florescu, A Levy, A Mendelzon - ACM Sigmod Record, 1998 - dl.acm.org
The popularity of the World-Wide Web (WWW) has made it a prime vehicle for disseminating
information. The relevance of database concepts to the problems of managing and querying …
information. The relevance of database concepts to the problems of managing and querying …
[PDF][PDF] Navigational plans for data integration
MT Friedman, AY Levy, TD Millstein - AAAI/IAAI, 1999 - cdn.aaai.org
We consider the problem of building data integration systems when the data sources are
webs of data, rather than sets of relations. Previous approaches to modeling data sources …
webs of data, rather than sets of relations. Previous approaches to modeling data sources …
[CARTE][B] Quality-driven integration of heterogeneous information systems
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On XML integrity constraints in the presence of DTDs
The article investigates XML document specifications with DTDs and integrity constraints,
such as keys and foreign keys. We study the consistency problem of checking whether a …
such as keys and foreign keys. We study the consistency problem of checking whether a …
Recursive query plans for data integration
OM Duschka, MR Genesereth, AY Levy - The Journal of Logic …, 2000 - Elsevier
Generating query-answering plans for data integration systems requires to translate a user
query, formulated in terms of a mediated schema, to a query that uses relations that are …
query, formulated in terms of a mediated schema, to a query that uses relations that are …
Integrity constraints for XML
Integrity constraints are useful for semantic specification, query optimization and data
integration. The ID/IDREF mechanism provided by XML DTDs relics on a simple form of …
integration. The ID/IDREF mechanism provided by XML DTDs relics on a simple form of …
Catching the boat with Strudel: Experiences with a web-site management system
The Strudel system applies concepts from database management systems to the process of
building Web sites. Strudel's key idea is separating the management of the site's data, the …
building Web sites. Strudel's key idea is separating the management of the site's data, the …