Peer evaluations: Evaluating and being evaluated
Peer evaluations place organizational members in a dual role: they evaluate their peers and
are being evaluated by their peers. We theorize that when evaluating their peers, they …
are being evaluated by their peers. We theorize that when evaluating their peers, they …
Life beyond the ballot box: The political participation and non-participation of electoral abstainers
Drawing on electoral participation and social movement studies, we develop a typology of
abstainers on the basis of their forms of non-electoral participation, and explore the …
abstainers on the basis of their forms of non-electoral participation, and explore the …
Bayesian model selection, model comparison, and model averaging
Applied researchers are often interested in testing competing theories against each other.
Most often, the goal is to determine whether and how a limited number of variables are …
Most often, the goal is to determine whether and how a limited number of variables are …
Introducción a la medición de apoyos electorales mediante el método de escenarios. Modelo bifactorial Inercia-Incertidumbre
A Alaminos - 2024 - rua.ua.es
Cierto es que el Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas nunca ha fallado en una predicción
electoral; tan cierto, como lo es que el Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas nunca ha …
electoral; tan cierto, como lo es que el Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas nunca ha …
Voting, Representation, and Institutions: A Critique of Elliott's Duty to Vote
B Saunders - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, 2025 - jesp.org
Kevin J. Elliott has recently defended an institutional duty to vote. This duty is based on (i)
the role obligation of citizens to do what is necessary for well-functioning representative …
the role obligation of citizens to do what is necessary for well-functioning representative …
B Saunders - 2025 - jesp.org
Ben Saunders evin J. Elliott has recently offered a new institutional argument for a duty to
vote, based on role obligations and the requirements of representation. 1 If certain groups …
vote, based on role obligations and the requirements of representation. 1 If certain groups …
[PDF][PDF] IDCeMPy: Python Package for Inflated Discrete Choice Models
Scholars and data scientists often use discrete choice models to evaluate ordered
dependent variables using the ordered probit model and unordered polytomous outcome …
dependent variables using the ordered probit model and unordered polytomous outcome …
[หนังสือ][B] Advanced Methods in Comparative Politics: Modeling Without Conditional Independence
DG Carlson - 2018 - search.proquest.com
One of the most significant assumptions we invoke when making quantitative inferences is
the conditional independence between observations. There are, however, many situations …
the conditional independence between observations. There are, however, many situations …
Modeling-Related Processes With an Excess of Zeros
D Carlson - Political Science Research and Methods, 2019 - cambridge.org
Political science research frequently models binary or ordered outcomes involving related
processes. However, traditional modeling of these outcomes ignores common data issues …
processes. However, traditional modeling of these outcomes ignores common data issues …
[PDF][PDF] Are People Averse to Acknowledging their Ignorance in Opinion Polls?
K Srinivasan - 2017 - arno.uvt.nl
People often express an opinion about a policy although they are not fully informed about it.
One explanation for this is that people think they are informed about the policy. That is, they …
One explanation for this is that people think they are informed about the policy. That is, they …