[BOOK][B] Asuhan Kebidanan Komplementer Berbasis Bukti

EB Cahyanto, MK Ns, ISS SSiT, A Nugraheni, S ST… - 2020 - books.google.com
Paradigma pelayanan kebidanan saat ini telah mengalami pergeseran. Selama satu
dekade ini, asuhan kebidanan dilaksanakan dengan mengkombinasikan pelayanan …

Postpartum Depression: The Forgotten Mother Experience

I Kusumawaty, Y Yuliyani, R Sugiarti… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 - jppipa.unram.ac.id
Background: Postpartum blues refers to the temporary mood depression experienced by
new mothers due to hormonal changes, having new responsibilities due to having a baby …

The effect of back and breast massage on the amount of milk and anxiety level of mothers with preterm birth: A randomized controlled study

ŞK Erci̇yas, O Kavlak - Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 2024 - Elsevier
Aim The aim of this study was to determine the effect of back and breast massage on the
amount of milk production and level of anxiety in mothers with preterm birth. Method The …

[PDF][PDF] Efektivitas effleurage massage terhadap pencegahan postpartum depression pada ibu nifas di PMB Elizabeth Banyuanyar Surakarta

E Hapsari, E Rumiyati, HP Astuti - Jurnal Riset Kebidanan …, 2020 - scholar.archive.org
Background: Postpartum depression in Indonesia ranges from 11-30%, which has an
adverse impact on the health of mothers, children and families because it causes a …

[BOOK][B] Sports performance massage

S Bedford - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Sports Performance Massage instructs the student and practising therapist to use a
combination of experience and scientific evidence to inform their sports massage practice …

Efektifitas Terapi Massage Effleurage Untuk Mencegah Kejadian Depresi Post Partum Di PMB D Tahun 2023

D Susita, A Nency, I Jayatmi - Innovative: Journal Of Social Science …, 2024 - j-innovative.org
Abstract Data Word Health Organization (WHO) menyatakan bahwa prevalensi depresi post
partum secara global berkisar antara 0, 5% hingga 60, 8% Di negara berkembang 10-50 …


Y Nurchasanah, S Mulyati, S Sariaty - pain - conference.juriskes.com
Background: The postpartum period starts after giving birth and lasts until 6 weeks afterward.
Women during this period experience physiological and psychological changes and are at …

Pengaruh Body Massage Terhadap Skor Stres pada Ibu Postpartum

LS Abdiyanti, A Andayani - Prosiding Seminar Nasional Dan …, 2022 - callforpaper.unw.ac.id
Postpartum is a period after giving birth where a mother experiences both physical and
psychological changes. These changes will have an impact on the mental health of the …

Kombinasi Aromaterapi dan Back Massage Terhadap Maternal Depressive Symptoms Postpartum

EMF Lalita, Y Adam, A Donsu… - JIDAN (Jurnal …, 2023 - ejurnal.poltekkes-manado.ac.id
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Masa postpartum merupakan masa peningkatan risiko depresi
dan gangguan mental lainnya sebagai akibat dari perubahan fisiologis dan psikososial …

[PDF][PDF] Effectiveness massage effleurage with warm oil for doms decrease (Delayed onset muscle soreness) on the arms

T Krismantoro - 2023 - academia.edu
This research is to find out the effectiveness of effleurage massage with warm oil on
reducing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) of the students in Special Region of …