Advanced lightweight encryption algorithms for IoT devices: survey, challenges and solutions
There are many emerging areas in which highly constrained devices are interconnected and
communicated to accomplish some tasks. Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) enables many …
communicated to accomplish some tasks. Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) enables many …
A new color image encryption scheme based on 2DNLCML system and genetic operations
YQ Zhang, Y He, P Li, XY Wang - Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
Based on the spatiotemporal chaos of the two Dimensional Nonlinear Coupled Map Lattices
(2DNLCML) and genetic operations, a new optical color image encryption scheme is …
(2DNLCML) and genetic operations, a new optical color image encryption scheme is …
Cryptanalysis of substitution-permutation network based image encryption schemes: a systematic review
Modern-day's digital world witnesses large-scale transmissions of various media forms
(including images) in resource-constrained environments. The sensitive nature of …
(including images) in resource-constrained environments. The sensitive nature of …
[HTML][HTML] A novel effective lightweight homomorphic cryptographic algorithm for data security in cloud computing
Cloud computing is a technology in which the resources are delivered as services. Users
can access them anywhere, anytime via the Internet without any need to know the …
can access them anywhere, anytime via the Internet without any need to know the …
Applications and Evaluations of Bio-Inspired Approaches in Cloud Security: A Review
Cloud computing gained much popularity in the recent past due to its many internet-based
services related to data, application, operating system, and eliminating the need for central …
services related to data, application, operating system, and eliminating the need for central …
IRS-aided energy-efficient secure WBAN transmission based on deep reinforcement learning
L ** that
simultaneously perform sniffing and jamming to raise the sensor transmit power, and thus …
simultaneously perform sniffing and jamming to raise the sensor transmit power, and thus …
[HTML][HTML] A secure data routing schema for WSN using elliptic curve cryptography and homomorphic encryption
Despite the great efforts to secure wireless sensor network (WSN), the dynamic nature and
the limited resources of sensor nodes make searching for a secure and optimal network …
the limited resources of sensor nodes make searching for a secure and optimal network …
A multipath routing protocol for secure energy efficient communication in Wireless Sensor Networks
Abstract A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is comprised of a number of sensor nodes (SNs)
that are randomly placed in an open, harsh environment for many applications. Due to the …
that are randomly placed in an open, harsh environment for many applications. Due to the …
A novel block encryption algorithm based on chaotic S-box for wireless sensor network
L Yi, X Tong, Z Wang, M Zhang, H Zhu, J Liu - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In order to ensure the basic security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a block encryption
algorithm based on chaotic substitution box (S-box) is proposed. In this paper, we generated …
algorithm based on chaotic substitution box (S-box) is proposed. In this paper, we generated …
[HTML][HTML] A light weight secure image encryption scheme based on chaos & DNA computing
This paper proposed a new light weight secure cryptographic scheme for secure image
communication. In this scheme the plain image is permuted first using a sequence of pseudo …
communication. In this scheme the plain image is permuted first using a sequence of pseudo …