Many suspensions, many problems: a review of self-suspending tasks in real-time systems
In general computing systems, a job (process/task) may suspend itself whilst it is waiting for
some activity to complete, eg, an accelerator to return data. In real-time systems, such self …
some activity to complete, eg, an accelerator to return data. In real-time systems, such self …
Improved schedulability analysis of EDF on multiprocessor platforms
Multiprocessor hardware platforms are now being considered for embedded systems, due to
their high computational power and little additional cost when compared to single processor …
their high computational power and little additional cost when compared to single processor …
State of the art for scheduling and analyzing self-suspending sporadic real-time tasks
In computing systems, a job/process/task/thread may suspend itself when it has to wait for
some other internal or external activities, such as computation offloading or memory …
some other internal or external activities, such as computation offloading or memory …
PROSA: A case for readable mechanized schedulability analysis
F Cerqueira, F Stutz… - 2016 28th Euromicro …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Motivated by a string of recent errata, the paper argues that mechanized, yet readable
schedulability proofs are desirable, feasible to create with current tools and with reasonable …
schedulability proofs are desirable, feasible to create with current tools and with reasonable …
A unifying response time analysis framework for dynamic self-suspending tasks
For real-time embedded systems, self-suspending behaviors can cause substantial
performance/schedulability degradations. In this paper, we focus on preemptive fixed-priority …
performance/schedulability degradations. In this paper, we focus on preemptive fixed-priority …
Response-time analysis for limited-preemptive self-suspending and event-driven delay-induced tasks
Heterogeneous computing platforms running highly parallelized applications are becoming
increasingly common in real-time embedded systems. This demands for expressive task …
increasingly common in real-time embedded systems. This demands for expressive task …
EDF-like scheduling for self-suspending real-time tasks
In real-time systems, schedulability analyses provide the required timing guarantees.
However, current suspension-aware analyses are limited to Task-Level Fixed-Priority (TFP) …
However, current suspension-aware analyses are limited to Task-Level Fixed-Priority (TFP) …
Suspension-aware fixed-priority schedulability test with arbitrary deadlines and arrival curves
In real-time scheduling theory, self-suspension describes the behavior that a job can
suspend itself from the ready state and thus be exempted from the scheduling for the …
suspend itself from the ready state and thus be exempted from the scheduling for the …
[PDF][PDF] Real-time scheduling analysis for multiprocessor platforms
M Bertogna - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, 2008 - Citeseer
Was it really necessary to switch from simple uniprocessor architectures to the more
complex parallel structure of multiprocessor platforms? Well, the opinion of the major …
complex parallel structure of multiprocessor platforms? Well, the opinion of the major …
Errata for three papers (2004-05) on fixed-priority scheduling with self-suspensions
K Bletsas, NC Audsley, WH Huang… - Leibniz Transactions …, 2018 - research.tue.nl
The purpose of this article is to (i) highlight the flaws in three previously published works
[Audsley, 2004a; Audsley, 2004b; Bletsas, 2005] on the worst-case response time analysis …
[Audsley, 2004a; Audsley, 2004b; Bletsas, 2005] on the worst-case response time analysis …