Crust-scale reactive porous flow revealed by the brown amphibole in the IODP hole U1473A gabbros, Southwest Indian Ridge

WQ Zhang, CZ Liu - Lithos, 2023 - Elsevier
Mid-ocean ridge magma reservoirs are mush-dominated systems, where reactive porous
flow is a dominant post-cumulus process. However, the length scale of this process is poorly …

Petrological evidence for prominent melt‐mush reactions during slow‐spreading oceanic accretion

M Boulanger, M Godard, B Ildefonse… - Geochemistry …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The structure of the lithosphere and the associated magmatic systems found in different
locations along slow‐spreading ridges can vary dramatically, from melt‐starved to …

Melt-Rock Reaction in the Lower Oceanic Crust and the Influence on the Evolution of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts at the Central Indian Ridge (7° 50′–8° 30′ S)

S Choi, JW Park, J Kim, J Oh, C Park… - Journal of Petrology, 2024 -
Various crustal processes shape both the lower oceanic crust and mid-ocean ridge basalts
(MORBs). To better understand how these crustal processes influence MORB compositions …

Generation of ultraslow-spreading oceanic crust traced by various mafic blocks from ophiolitic mélange in the **gaze Ophiolites, southern Tibet

C Zhang, CZ Liu, T Liu, WB Ji, FY Wu - Contributions to Mineralogy and …, 2023 - Springer
Construction of oceanic crusts in ultraslow-spreading ridges are controlled by detachment
faults, but the specific ways they are determined by detachments remain unclear. Abundant …

Oceanic mantle beneath ultraslow spreading ridges metasomatized by variably evolved melts

WQ Zhang, CZ Liu, HJB Dick, RN Mitchell… - … to Mineralogy and …, 2024 - Springer
As the melting residue of the asthenosphere at ocean ridges, the oceanic mantle lithosphere
is initially depleted, which might be re-enriched by various types of melts. However, the …

The role of detachment faulting in the genesis of oceanic felsic melts

WQ Zhang, CZ Liu, CJ MacLeod… - Communications Earth & …, 2025 -
Oceanic detachments are deep-rooted, long-lived, plate-scale structures and serve as fluid
conduits introducing water into the oceanic lithosphere, impacting plate rheology and …

Multi-stage melt impregnation and magma–seawater interaction in a slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere: constraints from cumulates in the Lagkorco ophiolite …

WQ Zhang, CZ Liu, T Liu, C Zhang, ZY Zhang… - … to Mineralogy and …, 2022 - Springer
Although seismic and hydrothermal data show evidence of magma–seawater interaction in
slow spreading-rate ridges, such a process has been rarely observed in situ in lower …

Petrology of gabbroic rocks from the lower crust of a back-arc basin: an example from the ophiolitic Liuyuan Complex, northwestern China

GS Santos, JH Bédard, S Lin, CR van Staal… - Journal of …, 2025 -
Abstract The 290-to 282-Ma ophiolitic Liuyuan Complex in northwestern China preserves a
section of oceanic crust formed in a back-arc basin during the final stages of the evolution of …

Interplay between crystal-plasticity, fracturing and dissolution-precipitation creep in lower-crustal ultramylonite from hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian …

R Taufner, G Viegas, C Trepmann - Journal of Structural Geology, 2023 - Elsevier
Microfabrics of a gabbroic ultramylonitic shear zone from the Atlantis Bank oceanic core
complex have been studied to investigate strain localization processes during exhumation of …

Petrogenesis of the Kalaymyo Ophiolite: Insights into Mantle-Melt Interaction and Tectonic Transition from Mid-Ocean Ridge to Supra-Subduction Zone Setting in the …

G Park, JW Park, CH Heo, SK Choi, J Kim… - Available at SSRN … -
The collision between the Indian plate and the West Burma Block led to formation of Neo-
Tethyan ophiolite along the Western Ophiolitic Belt (WOB). The ophiolitic rocks in the WOB …