Crust-scale reactive porous flow revealed by the brown amphibole in the IODP hole U1473A gabbros, Southwest Indian Ridge
Mid-ocean ridge magma reservoirs are mush-dominated systems, where reactive porous
flow is a dominant post-cumulus process. However, the length scale of this process is poorly …
flow is a dominant post-cumulus process. However, the length scale of this process is poorly …
Petrological evidence for prominent melt‐mush reactions during slow‐spreading oceanic accretion
The structure of the lithosphere and the associated magmatic systems found in different
locations along slow‐spreading ridges can vary dramatically, from melt‐starved to …
locations along slow‐spreading ridges can vary dramatically, from melt‐starved to …
Melt-Rock Reaction in the Lower Oceanic Crust and the Influence on the Evolution of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts at the Central Indian Ridge (7° 50′–8° 30′ S)
Various crustal processes shape both the lower oceanic crust and mid-ocean ridge basalts
(MORBs). To better understand how these crustal processes influence MORB compositions …
(MORBs). To better understand how these crustal processes influence MORB compositions …
Generation of ultraslow-spreading oceanic crust traced by various mafic blocks from ophiolitic mélange in the **gaze Ophiolites, southern Tibet
Construction of oceanic crusts in ultraslow-spreading ridges are controlled by detachment
faults, but the specific ways they are determined by detachments remain unclear. Abundant …
faults, but the specific ways they are determined by detachments remain unclear. Abundant …
Oceanic mantle beneath ultraslow spreading ridges metasomatized by variably evolved melts
As the melting residue of the asthenosphere at ocean ridges, the oceanic mantle lithosphere
is initially depleted, which might be re-enriched by various types of melts. However, the …
is initially depleted, which might be re-enriched by various types of melts. However, the …
The role of detachment faulting in the genesis of oceanic felsic melts
Oceanic detachments are deep-rooted, long-lived, plate-scale structures and serve as fluid
conduits introducing water into the oceanic lithosphere, impacting plate rheology and …
conduits introducing water into the oceanic lithosphere, impacting plate rheology and …
Multi-stage melt impregnation and magma–seawater interaction in a slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere: constraints from cumulates in the Lagkorco ophiolite …
Although seismic and hydrothermal data show evidence of magma–seawater interaction in
slow spreading-rate ridges, such a process has been rarely observed in situ in lower …
slow spreading-rate ridges, such a process has been rarely observed in situ in lower …
Petrology of gabbroic rocks from the lower crust of a back-arc basin: an example from the ophiolitic Liuyuan Complex, northwestern China
Abstract The 290-to 282-Ma ophiolitic Liuyuan Complex in northwestern China preserves a
section of oceanic crust formed in a back-arc basin during the final stages of the evolution of …
section of oceanic crust formed in a back-arc basin during the final stages of the evolution of …
Interplay between crystal-plasticity, fracturing and dissolution-precipitation creep in lower-crustal ultramylonite from hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian …
Microfabrics of a gabbroic ultramylonitic shear zone from the Atlantis Bank oceanic core
complex have been studied to investigate strain localization processes during exhumation of …
complex have been studied to investigate strain localization processes during exhumation of …
Petrogenesis of the Kalaymyo Ophiolite: Insights into Mantle-Melt Interaction and Tectonic Transition from Mid-Ocean Ridge to Supra-Subduction Zone Setting in the …
G Park, JW Park, CH Heo, SK Choi, J Kim… - Available at SSRN … - papers.ssrn.com
The collision between the Indian plate and the West Burma Block led to formation of Neo-
Tethyan ophiolite along the Western Ophiolitic Belt (WOB). The ophiolitic rocks in the WOB …
Tethyan ophiolite along the Western Ophiolitic Belt (WOB). The ophiolitic rocks in the WOB …