Performance-based health monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics for condition-based maintenance of gas turbines: A review
With the privatization and intense competition that characterize the volatile energy sector,
the gas turbine industry currently faces new challenges of increasing operational flexibility …
the gas turbine industry currently faces new challenges of increasing operational flexibility …
[HTML][HTML] Digital twin model of gas turbine and its application in warning of performance fault
HU Minghui, HE Ya, LIN **nzhi, LU Ziyuan… - Chinese Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The digital twin-driven performance model provides an attractive option for the warn gas-
path faults of the gas turbines. However, three technical difficulties need to be solved:(1) low …
path faults of the gas turbines. However, three technical difficulties need to be solved:(1) low …
Transient behavior in variable geometry industrial gas turbines: a comprehensive overview of pertinent modeling techniques
Generally, industrial gas turbines (IGT) face transient behavior during start-up, load change,
shutdown and variations in ambient conditions. These transient conditions shift engine …
shutdown and variations in ambient conditions. These transient conditions shift engine …
Application of bat algorithm and fuzzy systems to model exergy changes in a gas turbine
Exergy analysis plays a major role in thermal systems. Using exergy, apart from finding
components for a potential for further improvement, fault detection and diagnosis …
components for a potential for further improvement, fault detection and diagnosis …
Coupling of an offshore wind-driven deep sea water pump to an air cycle machine for large-scale cooling applications
M Galea, T Sant - Renewable Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
A system for using offshore wind energy to directly provide large-scale cooling through the
exploitation of cold deep seawater below thermocline formations is proposed. The concept …
exploitation of cold deep seawater below thermocline formations is proposed. The concept …
Optimal economic strategy for the multiperiod design and long-term operation of natural gas combined cycle power plants
Optimal power plant designs are achieved by means of a proposed multiperiod non-linear
programming formulation that utilizes the net present value as objective function, while …
programming formulation that utilizes the net present value as objective function, while …
[PDF][PDF] Flowsheet development and simulation of off-shore carbon dioxide removal system at natural gas reserves
TY Ahmed, MM Ahmada - International Journal, 2011 - academia.edu
Carbon dioxide content in natural gas can cause corrosion and environmental issues. Most
natural gas reserves in Malaysia contain 50 to 74 mol% of CO2. However, the capability of …
natural gas reserves in Malaysia contain 50 to 74 mol% of CO2. However, the capability of …
Aero-thermodynamic modelling and gas path simulation for a twin spool turbo jet engine
The user community of civil and military aircraft powered by gas turbine engines has a
significant interest on simulation models for design, development and maintenance …
significant interest on simulation models for design, development and maintenance …
Performance modeling of a modern gas turbine for dispatch optimization
SZ Boksteen, DJ van der Vecht… - … Expo: Power for …, 2012 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
As electricity demand from individual power plants is expected to fluctuate increasingly due
to the growing share of renewables, operators of large Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power …
to the growing share of renewables, operators of large Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power …
Investigation of Compressor Blade Roughness Increment Effect on Micro Turbine Performance
Because of challenging operating conditions, gas turbine is exposed to fouling, erosion and
other damaging factors. Compressor fouling is the main reason of gas turbine performance …
other damaging factors. Compressor fouling is the main reason of gas turbine performance …