Performance-based health monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics for condition-based maintenance of gas turbines: A review

M Tahan, E Tsoutsanis, M Muhammad, ZAA Karim - Applied energy, 2017 - Elsevier
With the privatization and intense competition that characterize the volatile energy sector,
the gas turbine industry currently faces new challenges of increasing operational flexibility …

[HTML][HTML] Digital twin model of gas turbine and its application in warning of performance fault

HU Minghui, HE Ya, LIN **nzhi, LU Ziyuan… - Chinese Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The digital twin-driven performance model provides an attractive option for the warn gas-
path faults of the gas turbines. However, three technical difficulties need to be solved:(1) low …

Transient behavior in variable geometry industrial gas turbines: a comprehensive overview of pertinent modeling techniques

MB Hashmi, TA Lemma, S Ahsan, S Rahman - Entropy, 2021 -
Generally, industrial gas turbines (IGT) face transient behavior during start-up, load change,
shutdown and variations in ambient conditions. These transient conditions shift engine …

Application of bat algorithm and fuzzy systems to model exergy changes in a gas turbine

AL Tamiru, FM Hashim - … Computing and Metaheuristics: In the Footsteps …, 2013 - Springer
Exergy analysis plays a major role in thermal systems. Using exergy, apart from finding
components for a potential for further improvement, fault detection and diagnosis …

Coupling of an offshore wind-driven deep sea water pump to an air cycle machine for large-scale cooling applications

M Galea, T Sant - Renewable Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
A system for using offshore wind energy to directly provide large-scale cooling through the
exploitation of cold deep seawater below thermocline formations is proposed. The concept …

Optimal economic strategy for the multiperiod design and long-term operation of natural gas combined cycle power plants

E Godoy, SJ Benz, NJ Scenna - Applied thermal engineering, 2013 - Elsevier
Optimal power plant designs are achieved by means of a proposed multiperiod non-linear
programming formulation that utilizes the net present value as objective function, while …

[PDF][PDF] Flowsheet development and simulation of off-shore carbon dioxide removal system at natural gas reserves

TY Ahmed, MM Ahmada - International Journal, 2011 -
Carbon dioxide content in natural gas can cause corrosion and environmental issues. Most
natural gas reserves in Malaysia contain 50 to 74 mol% of CO2. However, the capability of …

Aero-thermodynamic modelling and gas path simulation for a twin spool turbo jet engine

B Sankar, T Subramanian… - Gas Turbine …, 2013 -
The user community of civil and military aircraft powered by gas turbine engines has a
significant interest on simulation models for design, development and maintenance …

Performance modeling of a modern gas turbine for dispatch optimization

SZ Boksteen, DJ van der Vecht… - … Expo: Power for …, 2012 -
As electricity demand from individual power plants is expected to fluctuate increasingly due
to the growing share of renewables, operators of large Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power …

Investigation of Compressor Blade Roughness Increment Effect on Micro Turbine Performance

SS Talebi, A Mesgarpoor Tousi - Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical …, 2017 -
Because of challenging operating conditions, gas turbine is exposed to fouling, erosion and
other damaging factors. Compressor fouling is the main reason of gas turbine performance …