Cognitive training and plasticity: theoretical perspective and methodological consequences
SL Willis, KW Schaie - Restorative neurology and …, 2009 -
Purpose. To provide an overview of cognitive plasticity concepts and findings from a lifespan
developmental perspective. Methods. After an evaluation of the general concept of cognitive …
developmental perspective. Methods. After an evaluation of the general concept of cognitive …
Rostral locus coeruleus integrity is associated with better memory performance in older adults
For decades, research into memory decline in human cognitive ageing has focused on
neocortical regions, the hippocampus and dopaminergic neuromodulation. Recent findings …
neocortical regions, the hippocampus and dopaminergic neuromodulation. Recent findings …
Working memory plasticity and aging.
The present research explores how the trajectory of learning on a working memory task
changes throughout the life span, and whether gains in working memory performance are …
changes throughout the life span, and whether gains in working memory performance are …
A Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects location scale model for learning
We present a Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects location scale model (NL-MELSM). The NL-
MELSM allows for fitting nonlinear functions to the location, or individual means, and the …
MELSM allows for fitting nonlinear functions to the location, or individual means, and the …
Age-related effects on interoceptive accuracy, general interoceptive sensibility, and specific interoceptive sensibility
Background: The current research into interoception distinguishes between interoceptive
accuracy (IAcc), the accurate detection of internal sensations (eg, heartbeats) as measured …
accuracy (IAcc), the accurate detection of internal sensations (eg, heartbeats) as measured …
[PDF][PDF] Cognitive plasticity
SL Willis, KW Schaie, M Martin, V Bengtson… - 2009 -
This chapter focuses on issues of plasticity in adult cognition that are of current interest for
both neuroscience and psychological theories of adult development and aging (Kramer …
both neuroscience and psychological theories of adult development and aging (Kramer …
Age-related differences in trait affect: Establishing measurement invariance of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS).
S Hoehne, D Zimprich - Psychology and Aging, 2024 -
The present study examined trajectories of trait positive and trait negative affect as
measured by the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule across the lifespan. Increasing …
measured by the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule across the lifespan. Increasing …
[ספר][B] Psychologische grundlagen der gerontologie
This book provides an overview of the psychological foundations of gerontology and
explains the psychology of ageing from a lifespan point of view. It represents a compendium …
explains the psychology of ageing from a lifespan point of view. It represents a compendium …
Verbal knowledge, working memory, and processing speed as predictors of verbal learning in older adults.
The present study aimed at modeling individual differences in a verbal learning task by
means of a latent structured growth curve approach based on an exponential function that …
means of a latent structured growth curve approach based on an exponential function that …
Dynamic modeling of practice effects across the healthy aging-Alzheimer's disease continuum
Standardized tests of learning and memory are sensitive to changes associated with both
aging and superimposed neurodegenerative diseases. Unfortunately, repeated behavioral …
aging and superimposed neurodegenerative diseases. Unfortunately, repeated behavioral …