[KNIHA][B] Behavioral law and economics

E Zamir, D Teichman - 2018 - books.google.com
In the past few decades, economic analysis of law has been challenged by a growing body
of experimental and empirical studies that attest to prevalent and systematic deviations from …

Consumer behaviour: Applications in marketing

R East, M Vanhuele, M Wright, J Singh - 2021 - torrossa.com
We have designed this book to support courses in consumer behaviour at Master's level. It is
also suited to more advanced teaching at first-degree level. Our intended audience is those …

Heuristic price theory: A model of pluralistic price evaluations

M Thomas - Consumer Psychology Review, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Economic price theory assumes that consumers' responses to prices can be characterized
by stable demand curves and price elasticities. The author posits that this assumption lacks …

The role of numbers in the customer journey

S Santana, M Thomas, VG Morwitz - Journal of Retailing, 2020 - Elsevier
At each stage in customers' journeys, they encounter different types of numeric information
that they process using different judgment strategies. Relevant numbers might include …

Increasing consumers' purchase intentions toward fair-trade products through partitioned pricing

D Bürgin, R Wilken - Journal of Business Ethics, 2022 - Springer
Selling fair-trade products can be problematic because of their higher price when compared
with conventional alternatives. We propose that one way to solve this problem is to make …

Contracts in the age of smart readers

YA Arbel, SI Becher - Geo. Wash. L. Rev., 2022 - HeinOnline
What does it mean to have machines that can read, explain, and evaluate contracts? Recent
advances in machine learning have led to a fundamental breakthrough in machine …

The left-digit bias: when and why are consumers penny wise and pound foolish?

T Sokolova, S Seenivasan… - Journal of Marketing …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Consumers' price evaluations are influenced by the left-digit bias, wherein consumers judge
the difference between 4.00and 2.99 to be larger than that between 4.01and 3.00, even …

The odd-ending price justification effect: the influence of price-endings on hedonic and utilitarian consumption

J Choi, YJ Li, P Rangan, P Chatterjee… - Journal of the Academy of …, 2014 - Springer
This paper examines how odd-ending pricing influences consumption of hedonic and
utilitarian products. Four studies test the hypothesis that the discount image associated with …

Monopsony and employer mis-optimization explain why wages bunch at round numbers

A Dube, A Manning, S Naidu - 2018 - nber.org
We show that administrative hourly wage data exhibits considerable bunching at round
numbers that cannot be explained by rounding of survey respondents. We consider two …

Violations of rational choice principles in pricing decisions

A Hinterhuber - Industrial Marketing Management, 2015 - Elsevier
Research on behavioral and psychological aspects of pricing is concerned with violations of
rationality. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the current literature by …