Douzero+: Improving doudizhu ai by opponent modeling and coach-guided learning

Y Zhao, J Zhao, X Hu, W Zhou… - 2022 IEEE conference on …, 2022 -
Recent years have witnessed the great breakthrough of deep reinforcement learning (DRL)
in various perfect and imperfect information games. Among these games, DouDizhu, a …

[PDF][PDF] Contract Bridge Bidding by Learning.

CY Ho, HT Lin - AAAI Workshop: Computer Poker and Imperfect …, 2015 -
Contract bridge is an example of an incomplete information game for which computers
typically do not perform better than expert human bridge players. In particular, the typical …

Study on the strategy of playing doudizhu game based on multirole modeling

S Li, S Li, H Cao, K Meng, M Ding - Complexity, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Doudizhu poker is a very popular and interesting national poker game in China, and now it
has become a national competition in China. As this game is a typical example of …

Computing card probabilities in Texas Hold'em

LF Teófilo, LP Reis, HL Cardoso - 2013 8th Iberian Conference …, 2013 -
Develo** Poker agents that can compete at the level of a human expert can be a
challenging endeavor, since agents' strategies must be capable of dealing with hidden …

Estimating the odds for texas hold'em poker agents

LF Teófilo, LP Reis, HL Cardoso - 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM …, 2013 -
Develo** software agents that play incomplete information games is a demanding task: it
is required they incorporate strategies capable of dealing with hidden information and …

Simulation and performance assessment of poker agents

LF Teófilo, R Rossetti, LP Reis, HL Cardoso… - Multi-Agent-Based …, 2013 - Springer
The challenge in develo** agents for incomplete information games resides in the fact that
the maximum utility decision for given information set is not always ascertainable. For large …

A profitable online no-limit poker playing agent

LF Teófilo, LP Reis, HL Cardoso - 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM …, 2014 -
The No-Limit Texas Hold'em variant of Poker is the game that is most frequently used to
assess new developments in incomplete information problems, through the development of …

Computer poker research at liacc

LF Teófilo, LP Reis, HL Cardoso, D Félix… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2013 -
Computer Poker's unique characteristics present a well-suited challenge for research in
artificial intelligence. For that reason, and due to the Poker's market increase in popularity in …

[PDF][PDF] 基于手牌预测的多人无限注德州扑克博弈方法

**翔, 姜晓红, 陈英芝, 包友军 - 计算机学报, 2018 -
摘要作为非完备信息博弈的典型代表, 德州扑克一直是人工智能领域内的难题.
尤其在多人无限注德州扑克中, 博弈策略的制定需要考虑诸多复杂因素, 加上其解空间巨大 …

High-level language to build poker agents

LP Reis, P Mendes, LF Teófilo, HL Cardoso - Advances in Information …, 2013 - Springer
On the last decade Poker has been one of the most interesting subjects for artificial
intelligence, because it is a game that requires game playing agents to deal with an …