Explaining socially responsible consumer behavior: A meta-analytic review of theory of planned behavior

TI Han, L Stoel - Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This study reviews previous studies on socially responsible consumers and identifies major
antecedents of behavioral intentions to contribute to the theoretical understanding of their …

Attitudes and tourists' sustainable behavior: An overview of the literature and discussion of some theoretical and methodological issues

P Passafaro - Journal of Travel Research, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The article reports an overview of studies that have investigated the role of attitudes in
understanding tourists' sustainable choices. The literature is discussed in the light of …

An integrated approach to the purchase decision making process of food-delivery apps: Focusing on the TAM and AIDA models

HJ Song, WJ Ruan, YJJ Jeon - International Journal of Hospitality …, 2021 - Elsevier
The study employed two theories, the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the Attention-
Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) model, to provide an understanding of the process of …

The effect of the perceived risk on the adoption of the sharing economy in the tourism industry: The case of Airbnb

J Yi, G Yuan, C Yoo - Information Processing & Management, 2020 - Elsevier
Smart tourism and the sharing economy within it are transforming human lives and are
considered a huge innovation in the industry. This change inevitably creates huge …

Volunteer tourists' environmentally friendly behavior and support for sustainable tourism development using Value-Belief-Norm theory: Moderating role of altruism

CY Park, SJ Lee, CK Lee, Y Reisinger - Journal of Destination Marketing & …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Jeju Island in South Korea is a popular tourism destination designated as a
biosphere reserve by the Natural Sciences Sector of UNESCO. However, a rapid influx of …

Word-of-mouth, buying, and sacrifice intentions for eco-cruises: Exploring the function of norm activation and value-attitude-behavior

H Han, J Hwang, MJ Lee, J Kim - Tourism Management, 2019 - Elsevier
Our theoretical framework was designed to explain passengers' decision-making process for
environmentally responsible cruise products. Specifically, the goals of this study were to …

Water conservation and waste reduction management for increasing guest loyalty and green hotel practices

H Han, JS Lee, HLT Trang, W Kim - International Journal of Hospitality …, 2018 - Elsevier
This study tested the role of guests' perceptions regarding hotel practices of water
conservation and waste reduction management in increasing hedonic and utilitarian values …

From recreation to responsibility: Increasing environmentally responsible behavior in tourism

L Su, MK Hsu, RE Boostrom Jr - Journal of Business Research, 2020 - Elsevier
Environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) matters a great deal for the long-term success
of tourist destinations. Building upon the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) framework …

Hotel customers' environmentally responsible behavioral intention: Impact of key constructs on decision in green consumerism

H Han, HJ Yoon - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2015 - Elsevier
Since rapidly growing numbers of customers prefer environmentally responsible products,
efforts to “green” hotel operations are becoming increasingly important. The study reported …

Green hotel brands in Malaysia: perceived value, cost, anticipated emotion, and revisit intention

J Ahn, J Kwon - Current Issues in Tourism, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Although in recent years, green practices have received considerable interest in the tourism
and hospitality industry, there is a lack of studies that explore the determinants of customers' …