Towards edible robots and robotic food
Edible robots and robotic food—edible systems that perceive, process and act upon
stimulation—could open a new range of opportunities in health care, environmental …
stimulation—could open a new range of opportunities in health care, environmental …
The fourth industrial revolution in the food industry—part II: Emerging food trends
The food industry has recently been under unprecedented pressure due to major global
challenges, such as climate change, exponential increase in world population and …
challenges, such as climate change, exponential increase in world population and …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of additive manufacturing reviews
Nowadays, additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have been widely used in
construction, medical, military, aerospace, fashion, etc. The advantages of AM (eg, more …
construction, medical, military, aerospace, fashion, etc. The advantages of AM (eg, more …
From Food Industry 4.0 to Food Industry 5.0: Identifying technological enablers and potential future applications in the food sector
Although several food‐related fields have yet to fully grasp the speed and breadth of the
fourth industrial revolution (also known as Industry 4.0), growing literature from other sectors …
fourth industrial revolution (also known as Industry 4.0), growing literature from other sectors …
Personalized, digitally designed 3D printed food towards the resha** of food manufacturing and consumption
The emerging world of 3D food printing is reviewed. Its role in food manufacturing, including
benefits and impacts, underemphasized gastrophysical aspects, and limitations are …
benefits and impacts, underemphasized gastrophysical aspects, and limitations are …
The research progress of physical regulation techniques in 3D food printing
Y Lv, W Lv, G Li, Y Zhong - Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2023 - Elsevier
Background With the increasing application of three-dimensional printing,(3D printing) in the
modern food processing industry, research in this area has made great progress. Recently …
modern food processing industry, research in this area has made great progress. Recently …
[HTML][HTML] Shape morphing of foods: Mechanism, strategies, and applications
Background The shape of the food is a crucial factor in its acceptability to consumers, as it
encompasses visual appearance, texture, bulk properties, and packaging requirements …
encompasses visual appearance, texture, bulk properties, and packaging requirements …
Exploration of bigel 4D printing with spontaneous colour change for monitoring bio-actives kinetic behaviour based on the dual-units 3D printer
This work studied the effect of storage at different temperatures on the relationship between
the colour change and bio-actives (curcumin and β-carotene) content change in the bigels …
the colour change and bio-actives (curcumin and β-carotene) content change in the bigels …
[HTML][HTML] Grand challenges in human-food interaction
There is an increasing interest in combining interactive technology with food, leading to a
new research area called human-food interaction. While food experiences are increasingly …
new research area called human-food interaction. While food experiences are increasingly …
4D printing system stimulated by curcumin/whey protein isolate nanoparticles: A comparative study of sensitive color change and post-processing
C Shen, W Chen, C Li, X Chen, H Cui, L Lin - Journal of Food Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
In order to provide a more reliable curcumin stabilization scheme and efficient post-
treatment process in food 4D printing system, this study innovatively introduced nano …
treatment process in food 4D printing system, this study innovatively introduced nano …