An approach to robust INS/UWB integrated positioning for autonomous indoor mobile robots

J Liu, J Pu, L Sun, Z He - Sensors, 2019‏ -
The key to successful positioning of autonomous mobile robots in complicated indoor
environments lies in the strong anti-interference of the positioning system and accurate …

[HTML][HTML] An augmented reality based human-robot interaction interface using Kalman filter sensor fusion

C Li, A Fahmy, J Sienz - Sensors, 2019‏ -
In this paper, the application of Augmented Reality (AR) for the control and adjustment of
robots has been developed, with the aim of making interaction and adjustment of robots …

Enhancing the reliability of shipborne INS/GNSS integrated navigation system during abnormal sampling periods using Bi-LSTM and robust CKF

Z Zhang, Y Li, Z Liu, S Wang, H ** a reliable navigation system is a crucial challenge for intelligent ships.
Integrating Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) with shipborne Global Navigation Satellite …

Variational Bayesian adaptive Kalman filter for asynchronous multirate multi-sensor integrated navigation system

N Davari, A Gholami - Ocean Engineering, 2019‏ - Elsevier
This study considers an asynchronous multirate data integration problem in the linear state
space model with unknown and time-varying statistical parameters of the measurement …

Adaptive Kalman filtering by covariance sampling

A Assa, KN Plataniotis - IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2017‏ -
It is well known that the performance of the Kalman filter deteriorates when the system noise
statistics are not available a priori. In particular, the adjustment of measurement noise …

Real-time outlier detection applied to a Doppler velocity log sensor based on hybrid autoencoder and recurrent neural network

N Davari, AP Aguiar - IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2021‏ -
This article presents a real-time outlier detection deep-learning (OD-DL)-based method
using a hybridized artificial neural network (ANN) approach. We propose an unsupervised …

Teleoperation control of Baxter robot using Kalman filter-based sensor fusion

C Li, C Yang, J Wan, ASK Annamalai… - Systems Science & …, 2017‏ - Taylor & Francis
Kalman filter has been successfully applied to fuse the motion capture data collected from
Kinect sensor and a pair of MYO armbands to teleoperate a robot. A new strategy utilizing …

A novel intelligent adaptive Kalman Filter for estimating the Submarine's velocity: With experimental evaluation

M Emami, MR Taban - Ocean Engineering, 2018‏ - Elsevier
In this paper, an intelligent adaptive algorithm based on the integrated Inertial Navigation
System (INS) is presented for estimating the velocity of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle …

An incremental learning framework to enhance teaching by demonstration based on multimodal sensor fusion

J Li, J Zhong, J Yang, C Yang - Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2020‏ -
Though a robot can reproduce the demonstration trajectory from a human demonstrator by
teleoperation, there is a certain error between the reproduced trajectory and the desired …