[HTML][HTML] Offshore system safety and operational challenges in harsh Arctic operations
Offshore oil and gas drilling operations are going to remote and harsh arctic environments
with demands for heightened safety and resilience of operational facilities. The remote and …
with demands for heightened safety and resilience of operational facilities. The remote and …
An extended HEART Dempster–Shafer evidence theory approach to assess human reliability for the gas freeing process on chemical tankers
Human reliability assessment is vital for most critical shipboard operations such as cargo
loading, discharging, purging, gas freeing, etc. on chemical tanker ships since the nature of …
loading, discharging, purging, gas freeing, etc. on chemical tanker ships since the nature of …
Probability analysis of construction risk based on noisy-or gate bayesian networks
During construction risks' probability assessment, it is challenging to obtain the joint
probability distribution (JPD) of target risk systems, because every risk element's probability …
probability distribution (JPD) of target risk systems, because every risk element's probability …
Offshore oil and gas development in remote harsh environments: engineering challenges and research opportunities
The demand for energy is pushing operators to remote harsh offshore environments, which
are characterized by extreme waves, wind, storms, currents, ice, and fog that hinder offshore …
are characterized by extreme waves, wind, storms, currents, ice, and fog that hinder offshore …
[HTML][HTML] The value of meteorological data in marine risk assessment
The objective of this paper is to investigate whether the use of meteorological data improves
the prediction of marine incidents, as represented by marine insurance claims for a vessel's …
the prediction of marine incidents, as represented by marine insurance claims for a vessel's …
Fault diagnosis of train network control management system based on dynamic fault tree and Bayesian network
C Wang, L Wang, H Chen, Y Yang, Y Li - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Train network control management system (TCMS) is an important part of the High-speed
rail train. Because of the TCMS's complex and redundant structure, long-term operation …
rail train. Because of the TCMS's complex and redundant structure, long-term operation …
[HTML][HTML] Dynamic logistics disruption risk model for offshore supply vessel operations in Arctic waters
In harsh environments, offshore oil and gas support operations are subjected to frequent
logistics and supply chain operational disruption, due to harsh environmental factors with …
logistics and supply chain operational disruption, due to harsh environmental factors with …
A new evacuation accessibility analysis approach based on spatial information
Z Liu, Y Li, Z Zhang, W Yu - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022 - Elsevier
In this study, we propose a novel analytical model of the ship passage space evacuation
accessibility based on the spatial analysis of a geographic information system (GIS). From …
accessibility based on the spatial analysis of a geographic information system (GIS). From …
The adoption of new technologies for sustainable risk management in logistics planning: A sequential dynamic approach
Nowadays, organizations seek to effectively manage their logistics processes to increase
customer satisfaction and achieve a competitive advantage. To improve the performance …
customer satisfaction and achieve a competitive advantage. To improve the performance …
[HTML][HTML] Challenges in managing emergency offshore: A comparison of offshore and onshore perspectives
J Nathanael, S Khairilmizal, C Samuel… - Journal of Loss …, 2024 - Elsevier
Three segments, which are the upstream, midstream, and downstream, make up the oil and
gas business. At each stage of these oil and gas operations, there are differences in hazard …
gas business. At each stage of these oil and gas operations, there are differences in hazard …