Efficiency of the solution representations for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with makespan objective
In this paper we address the classical hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with makespan
objective. As this problem is known to be NP-hard and a very common layout in real-life …
objective. As this problem is known to be NP-hard and a very common layout in real-life …
Prediction of long-term temperature effect in structural health monitoring of concrete dams using support vector machines with Jaya optimizer and salp swarm …
F Kang, J Li, J Dai - Advances in Engineering Software, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper presents innovative algorithms combining Jaya optimizer, salp swarm algorithms
and (least-squares) support vector machines for simulating the temperature effect accurately …
and (least-squares) support vector machines for simulating the temperature effect accurately …
A generative design technique for exploring shape variations
S Khan, MJ Awan - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2018 - Elsevier
Because innovative and creative design is essential to a successful product, this work brings
the benefits of generative design in the conceptual phase of the product development …
the benefits of generative design in the conceptual phase of the product development …
Multiobjective bilevel optimization: A survey of the state-of-the-art
Optimization makes processes, systems, or products more efficient, reliable, and with better
outcomes. A popular topic on optimization today is multiobjective bilevel optimization …
outcomes. A popular topic on optimization today is multiobjective bilevel optimization …
A variable-representation discrete artificial bee colony algorithm for a constrained hybrid flow shop
In the realm of hybrid flow shop environments, existing literature predominantly overlooks a
practical scenario that jobs with different constraints often need to be simultaneously …
practical scenario that jobs with different constraints often need to be simultaneously …
Dynamic parameter inverse analysis of concrete dams based on Jaya algorithm with Gaussian processes surrogate model
F Kang, Y Wu, J Li, H Li - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2021 - Elsevier
A dynamic parameter inverse analysis process for concrete dams based on Gaussian
process regression and Jaya algorithm is presented. Gaussian process regression is used …
process regression and Jaya algorithm is presented. Gaussian process regression is used …
A Pareto based discrete Jaya algorithm for multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem
RH Caldeira, A Gnanavelbabu - Expert Systems with Applications, 2021 - Elsevier
Research on the development of Pareto-based multi-objective algorithms to address
scheduling problems has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. In this work, a multi …
scheduling problems has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. In this work, a multi …
Optimising the job-shop scheduling problem using a multi-objective Jaya algorithm
This paper presents an effective multi-objective Jaya (EMOJaya) algorithm to solve a multi-
objective job-shop scheduling problem, aiming to simultaneously minimise the makespan …
objective job-shop scheduling problem, aiming to simultaneously minimise the makespan …
Nature-Inspired Approaches for Optimizing Food Drying Processes: A Critical Review
Food drying is a critical process in food preservation, directly impacting the quality, energy
consumption, and environmental sustainability of the final product. Traditional optimization …
consumption, and environmental sustainability of the final product. Traditional optimization …
A hybrid approach for text document clustering using Jaya optimization algorithm
In this digital era, millions of Internet users are contributing vast amounts of data in the form
of unstructured text documents. Organizing this material is a tedious task. The clustering of …
of unstructured text documents. Organizing this material is a tedious task. The clustering of …