Recent advancements in end-to-end autonomous driving using deep learning: A survey
End-to-End driving is a promising paradigm as it circumvents the drawbacks associated with
modular systems, such as their overwhelming complexity and propensity for error …
modular systems, such as their overwhelming complexity and propensity for error …
High-definition maps: Comprehensive survey, challenges, and future perspectives
In cooperative, connected, and automated mobility (CCAM), the more automated vehicles
can perceive, model, and analyze the surrounding environment, the more they become …
can perceive, model, and analyze the surrounding environment, the more they become …
Query-centric trajectory prediction
Predicting the future trajectories of surrounding agents is essential for autonomous vehicles
to operate safely. This paper presents QCNet, a modeling framework toward pushing the …
to operate safely. This paper presents QCNet, a modeling framework toward pushing the …
Waymax: An accelerated, data-driven simulator for large-scale autonomous driving research
Simulation is an essential tool to develop and benchmark autonomous vehicle planning
software in a safe and cost-effective manner. However, realistic simulation requires accurate …
software in a safe and cost-effective manner. However, realistic simulation requires accurate …
A survey on trajectory-prediction methods for autonomous driving
In order to drive safely in a dynamic environment, autonomous vehicles should be able to
predict the future states of traffic participants nearby, especially surrounding vehicles, similar …
predict the future states of traffic participants nearby, especially surrounding vehicles, similar …
Motion transformer with global intention localization and local movement refinement
Predicting multimodal future behavior of traffic participants is essential for robotic vehicles to
make safe decisions. Existing works explore to directly predict future trajectories based on …
make safe decisions. Existing works explore to directly predict future trajectories based on …
Hivt: Hierarchical vector transformer for multi-agent motion prediction
Accurately predicting the future motions of surrounding traffic agents is critical for the safety
of autonomous vehicles. Recently, vectorized approaches have dominated the motion …
of autonomous vehicles. Recently, vectorized approaches have dominated the motion …
Drivevlm: The convergence of autonomous driving and large vision-language models
A primary hurdle of autonomous driving in urban environments is understanding complex
and long-tail scenarios, such as challenging road conditions and delicate human behaviors …
and long-tail scenarios, such as challenging road conditions and delicate human behaviors …
Mtr++: Multi-agent motion prediction with symmetric scene modeling and guided intention querying
Motion prediction is crucial for autonomous driving systems to understand complex driving
scenarios and make informed decisions. However, this task is challenging due to the diverse …
scenarios and make informed decisions. However, this task is challenging due to the diverse …
Wayformer: Motion forecasting via simple & efficient attention networks
Motion forecasting for autonomous driving is a challenging task because complex driving
scenarios involve a heterogeneous mix of static and dynamic inputs. It is an open problem …
scenarios involve a heterogeneous mix of static and dynamic inputs. It is an open problem …