Multimodal learning analytics—In‐between student privacy and encroachment: A systematic review

P Prinsloo, S Slade, M Khalil - British Journal of Educational …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Since the emergence of learning analytics (LA) in 2011 as a distinct field of research and
practice, multimodal learning analytics (MMLA), shares an interdisciplinary approach to …

A comparison of learning analytics frameworks: A systematic review

M Khalil, P Prinsloo, S Slade - LAK22: 12th international learning …, 2022 -
While learning analytics frameworks precede the official launch of learning analytics in
2011, there has been a proliferation of learning analytics frameworks since. This systematic …

Students' privacy concerns in learning analytics: Model development

C Mutimukwe, O Viberg, LM Oberg… - British Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Understanding students' privacy concerns is an essential first step toward effective privacy‐
enhancing practices in learning analytics (LA). In this study, we develop and validate a …

Online proctoring: Privacy invasion or study alleviation? Discovering acceptability using contextual integrity

A Terpstra, A De Rooij, A Schouten - … of the 2023 CHI Conference on …, 2023 -
Detecting fraud during online exams using proctoring software comes with substantial
privacy challenges. Previous work argues students experience heightened anxiety and have …

Students in focus–moving towards human-centred learning analytics

C Barreiros, P Leitner, M Ebner, E Veas… - Practicable Learning …, 2023 - Springer
Human-centred design is a well-established approach within research fields such as human-
computer interaction, ergonomics, and human factors. Recently Learning Analytics (LA) …

Towards an Operational Responsible AI Framework for Learning Analytics in Higher Education

AM Tirado, P Mulholland, M Fernandez - ar**_a_Professional_Profile_of_a_Digital_Ethics_Officer_in_an_Educational_Technology_Unit_in_Higher_Education/links/62e68dc34246456b55fd1e31/Develo**-a-Professional-Profile-of-a-Digital-Ethics-Officer-in-an-Educational-Technology-Unit-in-Higher-Education.pdf" data-clk="hl=bg&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=7&d=4116711599680194423&ei=3SXGZ7COD5uoieoPoZvUwQ4" data-clk-atid="dwerfWN_ITkJ" target="_blank">[PDF]

Develo** a professional profile of a digital ethics officer in an educational technology unit in higher education

D Andrews, P Leitner, S Schön, M Ebner - International Conference on …, 2022 - Springer
The digitalisation of learning, teaching, and study processes has a major impact on possible
evaluations and uses of data, for example with regard to individual learning …

Learning Analytics–Studierende im Fokus

L Bartok, MT Donner, M Ebner, N Gosch… - Zeitschrift für …, 2023 -
Zusammenfassung Der Einsatz von Learning Analytics etabliert sich zunehmend an
Hochschulen. Im Rahmen eines vom BMBWF kofinanzierten Projekts wurde sowohl auf …

Supervised machine learning models for student performance prediction

NS Alachiotis, S Kotsiantis… - Intelligent Decision …, 2022 -
Abstract Educational Data Mining has turned into an effective technique for revealing
relationships hidden in educational data and predicting students' learning outcomes. One …