[Књига][B] Biology and evolution of the mollusca, volume 1

WF Ponder, DR Lindberg, JM Ponder - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Molluscs comprise the second largest phylum of animals (after arthropods), occurring in
virtually all habitats. Some are commercially important, a few are pests and some carry …

Pelagic palaeoecology: the importance of recent constraints on ammonoid palaeobiology and life history

KA Ritterbush, R Hoffmann, A Lukeneder… - Journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A review of fossil evidence supports a pelagic mode of life (in the water column) of
ammonoids, but they may have spent their life close to the seabottom (demersal) …

Recent advances in heteromorph ammonoid palaeobiology

R Hoffmann, JS Slattery, I Kruta… - Biological …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Heteromorphs are ammonoids forming a conch with detached whorls (open coiling) or non‐
planispiral coiling. Such aberrant forms appeared convergently four times within this extinct …

The Devonian nekton revolution

C Klug, B Kröger, W Kiessling, GL Mullins, T Servais… - Lethaia, 2010 - idunn.no
Traditional analyses of Early Phanerozoic marine diversity at the genus level show an
explosive radiation of marine life until the Late Ordovician, followed by a phase of erratic …

The onset of the 'Ordovician Plankton Revolution'in the late Cambrian

T Servais, V Perrier, T Danelian, C Klug… - Palaeogeography …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The 'Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event'comprises the rapid diversification of
marine organisms during the Ordovician Period. It is now clear that this adaptive radiation …

Ammonoid habitats and life history

A Lukeneder - Ammonoid paleobiology: From anatomy to ecology, 2015 - Springer
The current knowledge about the ammonoid/habitat relation is reviewed and in part newly
interpreted. The autecology of ammonoids, such as ontogeny and habitat, based on …

Resurrecting extinct cephalopods with biomimetic robots to explore hydrodynamic stability, maneuverability, and physical constraints on life habits

DJ Peterman, KA Ritterbush - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Externally shelled cephalopods with coiled, planispiral conchs were ecologically successful
for hundreds of millions of years. These animals displayed remarkable morphological …

Mature modifications and sexual dimorphism

C Klug, M Zatoń, H Parent, B Hostettler… - … : From anatomy to ecology, 2015 - Springer
Most ammonoids display a distinctly different morphology when they are adults or subadults.
Depending on the taxon, these mature modifications may comprise changes in coiling …

Early evolutionary trends in ammonoid embryonic development

K De Baets, C Klug, D Korn, NH Landman - Evolution, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Abstract During the Devonian Nekton Revolution, ammonoids show a progressive coiling of
their shell just like many other pelagic mollusk groups. These now extinct, externally shelled …

Palaeozoic evolution of animal mouthparts

C Klug, L Frey, A Pohle, K De Baets, D Korn - Bulletin of Geosciences, 2017 - zora.uzh.ch
During the Palaeozoic, a diversification in modes of life occurred that included a wide range
of predators. Major macroecological events include the Cambrian Explosion (including the …