A tutorial on cue combination and Signal Detection Theory: Using changes in sensitivity to evaluate how observers integrate sensory information

PR Jones - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2016 - Elsevier
Many sensory inputs contain multiple sources of information ('cues'), such as two sounds of
different frequencies, or a voice heard in unison with moving lips. Often, each cue provides a …

[HTML][HTML] Surround suppression supports second-order feature encoding by macaque V1 and V2 neurons

LE Hallum, JA Movshon - Vision research, 2014 - Elsevier
Single neurons in areas V1 and V2 of macaque visual cortex respond selectively to
luminance-modulated stimuli. These responses are often influenced by context, for example …

The effects of color and saturation on the enjoyment of real-life images

C Lin, S Mottaghi, L Shams - Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2024 - Springer
This study investigated the effects of color presence and saturation on the affective judgment
of real-life images, as functions of the image's affective valence. In the first two experiments …

Integration trumps selection in object recognition

TP Saarela, MS Landy - Current Biology, 2015 - cell.com
Finding and recognizing objects is a fundamental task of vision. Objects can be defined by
several" cues"(color, luminance, texture, etc.), and humans can integrate sensory cues to …

[HTML][HTML] A perceptual space of local image statistics

JD Victor, DJ Thengone, SM Rizvi, MM Conte - Vision research, 2015 - Elsevier
Local image statistics are important for visual analysis of textures, surfaces, and form. There
are many kinds of local statistics, including those that capture luminance distributions …

[HTML][HTML] Two representations of a high-dimensional perceptual space

JD Victor, SM Rizvi, MM Conte - Vision Research, 2017 - Elsevier
A perceptual space is a mental workspace of points in a sensory domain that supports
similarity and difference judgments and enables further processing such as classification …

[HTML][HTML] Fast adaptive estimation of multidimensional psychometric functions

C DiMattina - Journal of Vision, 2015 - jov.arvojournals.org
Recently in vision science there has been great interest in understanding the perceptual
representations of complex multidimensional stimuli. Therefore, it is becoming very …

The contribution of color information to rapid face categorization in natural scenes

CCF Or, TL Retter, B Rossion - Journal of Vision, 2019 - jov.arvojournals.org
Color's contribution to rapid categorization of natural images is debated. We examine its
effect on high-level face categorization responses using fast periodic visual stimulation …

Sensitivity to naturalistic texture relies primarily on high spatial frequencies

JD Lieber, GM Lee, NJ Majaj, JA Movshon - Journal of vision, 2023 - jov.arvojournals.org
Natural images contain information at multiple spatial scales. Though we understand how
early visual mechanisms split multiscale images into distinct spatial frequency channels, we …