Frequency-domain techniques for cerebral and functional near-infrared spectroscopy
This article reviews the basic principles of frequency-domain near-infrared spectroscopy (FD-
NIRS), which relies on intensity-modulated light sources and phase-sensitive optical …
NIRS), which relies on intensity-modulated light sources and phase-sensitive optical …
Application of functional near-infrared spectroscopy in the healthcare industry: A review
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), a growing neuroimaging modality, has been
utilized over the past few decades to understand the neuronal behavior in the brain. The …
utilized over the past few decades to understand the neuronal behavior in the brain. The …
A comprehensive research setup for monitoring Alzheimer's disease using EEG, fNIRS, and gait analysis
Alzheimer's disease (AD) has a detrimental impact on brain function, affecting various
aspects such as cognition, memory, language, and motor skills. Previous research has …
aspects such as cognition, memory, language, and motor skills. Previous research has …
The Reactivation of working memory representations affects attentional guidance
Recent studies have suggested that the neural activity that supported working memory (WM)
storage is dynamic over time and this dynamic storage decides memory performance. Does …
storage is dynamic over time and this dynamic storage decides memory performance. Does …
[HTML][HTML] Fronto-occipital mismatch responses in pre-attentive detection of visual changes: Implication on a generic brain network underlying Mismatch Negativity …
Current theories of pre-attentive change detection suggest a regularity or prediction violation
mechanism involving a frontotemporal network. Modulations of the early inferior frontal …
mechanism involving a frontotemporal network. Modulations of the early inferior frontal …
[HTML][HTML] Spatiotemporal dynamics of attentional orienting and reorienting revealed by fast optical imaging in occipital and parietal cortices
The mechanisms of visuospatial attention are mediated by two distinct fronto-parietal
networks: a bilateral dorsal network (DAN), involved in the voluntary orientation of …
networks: a bilateral dorsal network (DAN), involved in the voluntary orientation of …
Online classification of the near-infrared spectroscopy fast optical signal for brain-computer interfaces
Objective. The fast optical signal (FOS), measured with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS),
has high temporal and competitive spatial resolution which provides an opportunity for a …
has high temporal and competitive spatial resolution which provides an opportunity for a …
The role of extra-striate areas in conscious motor behavior: a registered report with Fast-Optical Imaging
Disclosing the brain areas responsible for the emergence of visual awareness and their
timing of activation represents one of the major challenges in consciousness research. In …
timing of activation represents one of the major challenges in consciousness research. In …
Event-related potentials and fast optical imaging of cortical activity during an auditory oddball task
Event-related potentials (ERP) have been repeatedly used to study the spatiotemporal
dynamics of the attentional response in the well-known oddball paradigm. We combined …
dynamics of the attentional response in the well-known oddball paradigm. We combined …
Local syntactic violations evoke fast mismatch-related neural activity detected by optical neuroimaging
It remains to be investigated whether syntax-related mismatch activity would be evoked in
event-related optical signals by syntactic violations that deviate from our language …
event-related optical signals by syntactic violations that deviate from our language …