[HTML][HTML] Methods to establish race or ethnicity of Twitter users: sco** review
Background A growing amount of health research uses social media data. Those critical of
social media research often cite that it may be unrepresentative of the population; however …
social media research often cite that it may be unrepresentative of the population; however …
A survey of race, racism, and anti-racism in NLP
A Field, SL Blodgett, Z Waseem, Y Tsvetkov - ar** review
Background Patient health data collected from a variety of nontraditional resources,
commonly referred to as real-world data, can be a key information source for health and …
commonly referred to as real-world data, can be a key information source for health and …
[HTML][HTML] Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA
A Stechemesser, A Levermann… - The Lancet Planetary …, 2022 - thelancet.com
Background A link between weather and aggression in the offline world has been
established across a variety of societal settings. Simultaneously, the rapid digitalisation of …
established across a variety of societal settings. Simultaneously, the rapid digitalisation of …
[CARTE][B] Social monitoring for public health
Public health thrives on high-quality evidence, yet acquiring meaningful data on a
population remains a central challenge of public health research and practice. Social …
population remains a central challenge of public health research and practice. Social …
A language framework for modeling social media account behavior
Malicious actors exploit social media to inflate stock prices, sway elections, spread
misinformation, and sow discord. To these ends, they employ tactics that include the use of …
misinformation, and sow discord. To these ends, they employ tactics that include the use of …
Predicting Twitter user demographics from names alone
Social media analysis frequently requires tools that can automatically infer demographics to
contextualize trends. These tools often require hundreds of user-authored messages for …
contextualize trends. These tools often require hundreds of user-authored messages for …
Continuum: A platform for cost-aware, low-latency continual learning
Many machine learning applications operate in dynamic environments that change over
time, in which models must be continually updated to capture the recent trend in data …
time, in which models must be continually updated to capture the recent trend in data …
Twitter social mobility data reveal demographic variations in social distancing practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the importance of social distancing practices to stem
the spread of the virus. However, compliance with public health guidelines was mixed …
the spread of the virus. However, compliance with public health guidelines was mixed …
Tribe or not? Critical inspection of group differences using tribalgram
With the rise of AI and data mining techniques, group profiling and group-level analysis have
been increasingly used in many domains, including policy making and direct marketing. In …
been increasingly used in many domains, including policy making and direct marketing. In …