Ss antman je marsden l. sirovich
JKHPHJ Keener, JKBJMA Mielke, CSPKR Sreenivasan - 2005 - Springer
The main purpose of this chapter is to give a derivation, which is mathematically precise,
physically natural, and conceptually simple, of the quasilinear system of partial differential …
physically natural, and conceptually simple, of the quasilinear system of partial differential …
[КНИГА][B] Superlinear parabolic problems
P Quittner, P Souplet - 2019 - Springer
Pavol Quittner Philippe Souplet Blow-up, Global Existence and Steady States Second
Edition Page 1 Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher Pavol Quittner Philippe …
Edition Page 1 Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher Pavol Quittner Philippe …
[КНИГА][B] The energy method, stability, and nonlinear convection
B Straughan - 2013 -
This book is a revised edition of my earlier book of the same title. The cur rent edition adopts
the structure of the earlier version but is much changed. The introduction now contains …
the structure of the earlier version but is much changed. The introduction now contains …
[КНИГА][B] Stability and wave motion in porous media
B Straughan - 2008 -
This book presents an account of theories of? ow in porous media which have proved
tractable to analysis and computation. In particular, the t-ories of Darcy, Brinkman, and …
tractable to analysis and computation. In particular, the t-ories of Darcy, Brinkman, and …
[КНИГА][B] Canards and Black Swans
E Shchepakina, V Sobolev, MP Mortell, E Shchepakina… - 2014 - Springer
The chapter is devoted to the investigation of the relationship between slow integral
manifolds of singularly perturbed differential equations and critical phenomena in chemical …
manifolds of singularly perturbed differential equations and critical phenomena in chemical …
Априорные оценки и отсутствие решений нелинейных уравнений и неравенств в частных производных
Э Митидиери, СИ Похожаев - Труды Математического института …, 2001 -
В предлагаемой книге излагается общий подход к априорным оценкам решений
нелинейных уравнений и неравенств в частных производных, основанный на методе …
нелинейных уравнений и неравенств в частных производных, основанный на методе …
Effect of Deborah number and phase difference on peristaltic transport of a third-order fluid in an asymmetric channel
MH Haroun - Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical …, 2007 - Elsevier
The effect of a third-order fluid on the peristaltic transport in an asymmetric channel is
studied. The wavelength of the peristaltic waves is assumed to be large compared to the …
studied. The wavelength of the peristaltic waves is assumed to be large compared to the …
Critical exponents of Fujita type for certain evolution equations and systems with spatio-temporal fractional derivatives
This paper is concerned with establishing necessary or sufficient conditions for the existence
of solutions to evolution equations with fractional derivatives in space and time. The Fujita …
of solutions to evolution equations with fractional derivatives in space and time. The Fujita …
The role of self-similarity in singularities of partial differential equations
We survey rigorous, formal and numerical results on the formation of point-like singularities
(or blow-up) for a wide range of evolution equations. We use a similarity transformation of …
(or blow-up) for a wide range of evolution equations. We use a similarity transformation of …
Lower bounds for blow-up time in parabolic problems under Dirichlet conditions
LE Payne, PW Schaefer - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and …, 2007 - Elsevier
We consider an initial-boundary value problem for the semilinear heat equation whose
solution may blow up in finite time. We use a differential inequality technique to determine a …
solution may blow up in finite time. We use a differential inequality technique to determine a …