Genomic prediction of (mal) adaptation across current and future climatic landscapes
Signals of local adaptation have been found in many plants and animals, highlighting the
heterogeneity in the distribution of adaptive genetic variation throughout species ranges. In …
heterogeneity in the distribution of adaptive genetic variation throughout species ranges. In …
Genome-wide genetic marker discovery and genoty** using next-generation sequencing
The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized genomic and
transcriptomic approaches to biology. These new sequencing tools are also valuable for the …
transcriptomic approaches to biology. These new sequencing tools are also valuable for the …
Stacks: an analysis tool set for population genomics
Massively parallel short‐read sequencing technologies, coupled with powerful software
platforms, are enabling investigators to analyse tens of thousands of genetic markers. This …
platforms, are enabling investigators to analyse tens of thousands of genetic markers. This …
Double Digest RADseq: An Inexpensive Method for De Novo SNP Discovery and Genoty** in Model and Non-Model Species
The ability to efficiently and accurately determine genotypes is a keystone technology in
modern genetics, crucial to studies ranging from clinical diagnostics, to genotype-phenotype …
modern genetics, crucial to studies ranging from clinical diagnostics, to genotype-phenotype …
These aren't the loci you'e looking for: Principles of effective SNP filtering for molecular ecologists
Sequencing reduced‐representation libraries of restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD seq)
to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP s) is quickly becoming a standard …
to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP s) is quickly becoming a standard …
From barcodes to genomes: extending the concept of DNA barcoding
DNA barcoding has had a major impact on biodiversity science. The elegant simplicity of
establishing massive scale databases for a few barcode loci is continuing to change our …
establishing massive scale databases for a few barcode loci is continuing to change our …
Stacks: Building and Genoty** Loci De Novo From Short-Read Sequences
Advances in sequencing technology provide special opportunities for genoty** individuals
with speed and thrift, but the lack of software to automate the calling of tens of thousands of …
with speed and thrift, but the lack of software to automate the calling of tens of thousands of …
Genoty**‐by‐sequencing for plant breeding and genetics
Rapid advances in “next‐generation” DNA sequencing technology have brought the US
$1000 human (Homo sapiens) genome within reach while providing the raw sequencing …
$1000 human (Homo sapiens) genome within reach while providing the raw sequencing …
Harnessing genomics for delineating conservation units
Genomic data have the potential to revolutionize the delineation of conservation units (CUs)
by allowing the detection of adaptive genetic variation, which is otherwise difficult for rare …
by allowing the detection of adaptive genetic variation, which is otherwise difficult for rare …
Guidelines for planning genomic assessment and monitoring of locally adaptive variation to inform species conservation
Identifying and monitoring locally adaptive genetic variation can have direct utility for
conserving species at risk, especially when management may include actions such as …
conserving species at risk, especially when management may include actions such as …