Record statistics of a strongly correlated time series: random walks and Lévy flights

C Godreche, SN Majumdar… - Journal of Physics A …, 2017 -
We review recent advances on the record statistics of strongly correlated time series, whose
entries denote the positions of a random walk or a Lévy flight on a line. After a brief survey of …

The space-fractional diffusion-advection equation: analytical solutions and critical assessment of numerical solutions

R Stern, F Effenberger, H Fichtner, T Schäfer - Fractional Calculus and …, 2014 - Springer
The present work provides a critical assessment of numerical solutions of the space-
fractional diffusion-advection equation, which is of high significance for applications in …

Record statistics for multiple random walks

G Wergen, SN Majumdar, G Schehr - … E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter …, 2012 - APS
We study the statistics of the number of records R n, N for N identical and independent
symmetric discrete-time random walks of n steps in one dimension, all starting at the origin …

First passage leapovers of Lévy flights and the proper formulation of absorbing boundary conditions

A Wardak - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2020 -
An important open problem in the theory of Lévy flights concerns the analytically tractable
formulation of absorbing boundary conditions. Although the nonlocal approach, where the …

Revisiting Lévy flights on bounded domains: a Fock space approach

HA Araújo, MO Lukin, MGE da Luz… - Journal of Statistical …, 2020 -
The statistical description of a one-dimensional superdiffusive Lévy flier restricted to a finite
domain is well known to be technically involving. For example, in this type of process the …

Stationary states in two-dimensional systems driven by bivariate Lévy noises

K Szczepaniec, B Dybiec - Physical Review E, 2014 - APS
Systems driven by α-stable noises could be very different from their Gaussian counterparts.
Stationary states in single-well potentials can be multimodal. Moreover, a potential well …

Lévy flights between absorbing boundaries: Revisiting the survival probability and the shift from the exponential to the Sparre-Andersen limit behavior

HA Araújo, EP Raposo - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
We revisit the problem of calculating the survival probability of Lévy flights in a finite interval
with absorbing boundaries. Our approach is based on the master equation for discrete Lévy …

Lévy flights in the presence of a point sink of finite strength

D Janakiraman - Physical Review E, 2017 - APS
In this paper, the absorption of a particle undergoing Lévy flight in the presence of a point
sink of arbitrary strength and position is studied. The motion of such a particle is given by a …

Asymmetric Lévy flights in the presence of absorbing boundaries

C De Mulatier, A Rosso, G Schehr - Journal of Statistical …, 2013 -
We consider a one-dimensional asymmetric random walk whose jumps are identical,
independent and drawn from a distribution ϕ (η) displaying asymmetric power-law tails (ie ϕ …

Escape from bounded domains driven by multivariate α-stable noises

K Szczepaniec, B Dybiec - Journal of Statistical Mechanics …, 2015 -
In this paper we provide an analysis of a mean first passage time problem of a random
walker subject to a bivariate α-stable Lévy-type noise from a 2-dimensional disk. For an …