Review and classification of emotion recognition based on EEG brain-computer interface system research: a systematic review
Recent developments and studies in brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies have
facilitated emotion detection and classification. Many BCI studies have sought to investigate …
facilitated emotion detection and classification. Many BCI studies have sought to investigate …
Auditory cortex and beyond: Deficits in congenital amusia
Congenital amusia is a neuro-developmental disorder of music perception and production,
with the observed deficits contrasting with the sophisticated music processing reported for …
with the observed deficits contrasting with the sophisticated music processing reported for …
[HTML][HTML] The time course of emotional authenticity detection in nonverbal vocalizations
Previous research has documented perceptual and brain differences between spontaneous
and volitional emotional vocalizations. However, the time course of emotional authenticity …
and volitional emotional vocalizations. However, the time course of emotional authenticity …
Neural bases of congenital amusia in tonal language speakers
Congenital amusia is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder of fine-grained pitch
processing. In this fMRI study, we examined the neural bases of congenial amusia in …
processing. In this fMRI study, we examined the neural bases of congenial amusia in …
Deficits in congenital amusia: Pitch, music, speech, and beyond
Congenital amusia is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits of music
perception and production, which are related to altered pitch processing. The present study …
perception and production, which are related to altered pitch processing. The present study …
Normal pre-attentive and impaired attentive processing of lexical tones in Cantonese-speaking congenital amusics
The neural underpinnings of congenital amusia, an innate neurogenetic disorder of musical
pitch processing, are not well understood. Previous studies suggest that amusia primarily …
pitch processing, are not well understood. Previous studies suggest that amusia primarily …
The effects of acoustic variation on the perception of lexical tone in Cantonese-speaking congenital amusics
Purpose Congenital amusia is an inborn neurogenetic disorder of fine-grained pitch
processing. This study attempted to pinpoint the impairment mechanism of speech …
processing. This study attempted to pinpoint the impairment mechanism of speech …
Emotion processing in congenital amusia: the deficits do not generalize to written emotion words
YL Cheung, C Zhang, Y Zhang - Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Congenital amusia is a lifelong impairment in musical ability. Individuals with amusia are
found to show reduced sensitivity to emotion recognition in speech prosody and silent facial …
found to show reduced sensitivity to emotion recognition in speech prosody and silent facial …
Auditory imagery in congenital amusia
Congenital amusia is a neurogenetic disorder affecting various aspects of music and speech
processing. Although perception and auditory imagery in the general population may share …
processing. Although perception and auditory imagery in the general population may share …
The influence of visual information on auditory processing in individuals with congenital amusia: An ERP study
While most normal hearing individuals can readily use prosodic information in spoken
language to interpret the moods and feelings of conversational partners, people with …
language to interpret the moods and feelings of conversational partners, people with …