[HTML][HTML] Investigation of gut microbial communities associated with indigenous honey bee (Apis mellifera jemenitica) from two different eco-regions of Saudi Arabia

KA Khan, MJ Ansari, A Al-Ghamdi, A Nuru… - Saudi journal of …, 2017 - Elsevier
The microbial communities associated with the alimentary tract of honey bees are very
important as they help with food digestion, provide essential nutrients, protect the host from …

[PDF][PDF] Apini and Meliponini from Ethiopia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Apidae: Apinae)

A Pauly, ZA Hora - Belgian Journal of Entomology, 2013 - academia.edu
This paper presents a list of species of Apini and Meliponini collected from 2010 to 2012
during entomological explorations in Ethiopia. The data mainly concern localities and …

[PDF][PDF] Characterization of the native honey bee subspecies in Saudi Arabia using the mtDNA COI–COII intergenic region and morphometric characteristics

Y Alattal, M Alsharhi, A Alghamdi, S Alfaify… - Bulletin of …, 2014 - beechair.ksu.edu.sa
Morphometric and genetic markers are very common and powerful tools used to
characterize honey bee subspecies. In Saudi Arabia, morphometric analysis using 24 …

[HTML][HTML] Characterization of the native honey bee (Apis mellifera jemenitica) in the south western region of Saudi Arabia using morphometric and genetic (mtDNA COI) …

EAA Alabdali, HA Ghramh, EH Ibrahim, Z Ahmad… - Saudi Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Apis mellifera jemenitica incorporates a few perceived subspecies that vary in their natural
properties and farming qualities. Mitochondrial COI gene sequence (mtCOI) has not been …

[HTML][HTML] Fertility and reproductive rate of Varroa mite, Varroa destructor, in native and exotic honeybee, Apis mellifera L., colonies under Saudi Arabia conditions

Y Alattal, A AlGhamdi, A Single, MJ Ansari… - Saudi journal of …, 2017 - Elsevier
Varroa mite is the most destructive pest to bee colonies worldwide. In Saudi Arabia,
preliminary data indicated high infestation levels in the exotic honeybee colonies; such as …

Morphometric characterisation of the native Honeybee, Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758, of Saudi Arabia

Y Alattal, A Al Ghamdi, M Al Sharhi… - Zoology in the Middle …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The morphometry of native honeybees from Saudi Arabia was analysed and compared with
7 Apis mellifera subspecies, based on 198 colony samples from 36 locations. Twenty five …

[PDF][PDF] Queen morphometric and reproductive characters of Apis mellifera jemenitica, a native honey bee to Saudi Arabia.

AS Alqarni, HM Balhareth, AA Owayss - 2013 - researchgate.net
Ten traits of morphological characters and reproductive organs of newly emerged virgin
queens of native and imported honey bee races, Apis mellifera jemenitica Ruttner (AMJ) and …

[PDF][PDF] Evidence for sub-populations of Apis mellifera jemenitica colonies along the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia.

Y Alattal, A Alghamdi - 2022 - jemenitica.com
Abstract Characterization of Apis mellifera jemenitica Ruttner populations along the Red
Sea Coast of Saudi Arabia revealed two distinct sub populations. Principal component …

Assessment of genetic variation in Apis mellifera jemenitica (Hymenoptera: Apidae) based on mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit II and III

Y Alattal, A Algamdi - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
Morphometric and genetic characterization of many Apis mellifera subspecies are well-
documented. A. m. jemenetica occurs naturally in Africa and Asia. In this study, genetic …