A global doubling of dust emissions during the Anthropocene?
Anthropogenic landuse, principally agriculture, has been shown to result in increased dust
emissions from susceptible environments in a number of discrete studies. However, until …
emissions from susceptible environments in a number of discrete studies. However, until …
The aeolian system of central Argentina
The central region of Argentina comprises three main geomorphological domains, the
Pampean plain, the northern Patagonia plateau and the eastern Andean piedmont. The …
Pampean plain, the northern Patagonia plateau and the eastern Andean piedmont. The …
Linking wind erosion to ecosystem services in drylands: a landscape ecological approach
Context Wind erosion is a widespread environmental problem in the world's arid
landscapes, which threatens the sustainability of ecosystem services in these regions …
landscapes, which threatens the sustainability of ecosystem services in these regions …
Widespread decline in winds promoted the growth of vegetation
Vegetation dynamics are sensitive to climate change. Wind is an important climate factor that
can affect carbon fluxes by altering carbon uptake and emission rates; however, the impact …
can affect carbon fluxes by altering carbon uptake and emission rates; however, the impact …
[HTML][HTML] Trade-offs and synergistic relationships in wind erosion in Central Asia over the last 40 years: A Bayesian Network analysis
J Li, X Yuan, Y Su, K Qian, Y Liu, W Yan, S Xu, X Yang… - Geoderma, 2023 - Elsevier
Wind erosion may have significant effects on both the environment and human activities.
Central Asia, a prominently affected region by wind erosion on a global scale, has been the …
Central Asia, a prominently affected region by wind erosion on a global scale, has been the …
Validation of WEQ, RWEQ and WEPS wind erosion for different arable land management systems in the Argentinean Pampas
DE Buschiazzo, TM Zobeck - Earth Surface Processes and …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Wind erosion is an important soil degradation process in the semi‐arid Pampas of
Argentina, but no attempts have been made to predict the process in this region. One …
Argentina, but no attempts have been made to predict the process in this region. One …
Effect of particle-size distribution on wind erosion rate and soil erodibility
S Zamani, M Mahmoodabadi - Archives of Agronomy and Soil …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Wind erosion is a serious problem, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was
conducted to assess the effects of wind speed as well as soil particle-size distribution on …
conducted to assess the effects of wind speed as well as soil particle-size distribution on …
Probabilistic evaluation of cultural soil heritage hazards in China from extremely imbalanced site investigation data using SMOTE-Gaussian process classification
Cultural soil heritages (CSHs) are artifacts with historical, artistic, and scientific significance;
however, they are vulnerable to various hazards, such as weathering, fractures, hollowing …
however, they are vulnerable to various hazards, such as weathering, fractures, hollowing …
Degradation phenomena of Templo Pintado painted plasters
M Cappai, F Delogu, D Pozzi-Escot, GP Neyra… - … and Building Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Weathering processes of Templo Pintado (Painted Temple) caused by
environmental and climatic agents have been investigated in this work. The temple is part of …
environmental and climatic agents have been investigated in this work. The temple is part of …
Comparative efficiency testing for a newly designed cyclone type sediment trap for wind erosion measurements
The measurement of eolian sediment transport still remains one of the biggest challenges in
eolian research. This paper presents the experimental results on the trap efficiency of a …
eolian research. This paper presents the experimental results on the trap efficiency of a …