Environmental, social and governance performance and firm value: does ownership concentration matter?
THD Truong - Management Decision, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper has a dual purpose: to produce a clear panorama of microfactors
behind the implementation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) in emergent …
behind the implementation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) in emergent …
[PDF][PDF] An ecoliterature approach to environmental conservation: Take four selected literary works as examples
The reciprocal relationship between humans and nature is determined based on their
respective natures. This mutualism symbiosis is based on a relationship of use for mutual …
respective natures. This mutualism symbiosis is based on a relationship of use for mutual …
Maximising net zero in energy-intensive industries: An overview of ai applications for greenhouse gas reduction
The impact of global warming on the environment is a significant concern, and finding
effective ways to address climate change is a priority. This paper investigates how Artificial …
effective ways to address climate change is a priority. This paper investigates how Artificial …
Influence of product selection criteria on clothing purchase and post-purchase behaviours: A gender and generational comparison
G Barrera-Verdugo, A Villarroel-Villarroel - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
Purchasing and consumption behaviour is a factor with an important impact on sustainable
development. In this regard, the clothing category plays a key role due to the high volume of …
development. In this regard, the clothing category plays a key role due to the high volume of …
[PDF][PDF] Inovasi Eco-Enzyme dalam Mendukung Pemerintah Menuju Net Zero Emission di Indonesia
FW Yulistiar, S Manggalou - Public Inspiration: Jurnal …, 2023 - ejurnal.warmadewa.ac.id
To support the Indonesian government's efforts in achieving the Net Zero Emission target,
one reliable solution is to apply the Eco-Enzyme innovation. Eco-Enzyme is an …
one reliable solution is to apply the Eco-Enzyme innovation. Eco-Enzyme is an …
Simulation and economic analysis of the biotechnological potential of biomass production from a microalgal consortium
The biomass of microalgae and the compounds that can be obtained from their processing
are of great interest for various economic sectors. Chlorophyll from green microalgae has …
are of great interest for various economic sectors. Chlorophyll from green microalgae has …
Proximate, minerals, carotenoid and trypsin inhibitor composition in the exoskeletons of seafood gastropods and their potentials for sustainable circular utilisation
Periwinkle shells of Tympanotonus fuscatus, Pachymelania aurita, and Thais coronata were
analyzed for their proximate composition, nutritionally significant minerals, trypsin inhibitors …
analyzed for their proximate composition, nutritionally significant minerals, trypsin inhibitors …
Unlocking sustainability: prioritizing barriers for SME success in India with AHP analysis
Purpose Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) constitute the nation's foundation and
facilitate the advancement of invention and economic progress. Sustainability is considered …
facilitate the advancement of invention and economic progress. Sustainability is considered …
[PDF][PDF] A deep learning prediction model to Predict Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia
F Aljuaydi, BK Behera… - Applied Mathematics …, 2024 - naturalspublishing.com
This paper introduces a novel deep learning model specifically designed for predicting
climate change in Saudi Arabia until the year 2030. The proposed model, called CNN …
climate change in Saudi Arabia until the year 2030. The proposed model, called CNN …
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman tentang potensi energi nuklir sebagai solusi dalam
mencapai tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan dan pengurangan emisi karbon. Dari dasar …
mencapai tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan dan pengurangan emisi karbon. Dari dasar …