Environmental, social and governance performance and firm value: does ownership concentration matter?

THD Truong - Management Decision, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper has a dual purpose: to produce a clear panorama of microfactors
behind the implementation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) in emergent …

[PDF][PDF] An ecoliterature approach to environmental conservation: Take four selected literary works as examples

M Manugeren, B Arafah, P Purwarno, P Siwi… - Theory and Practice in …, 2023 - academia.edu
The reciprocal relationship between humans and nature is determined based on their
respective natures. This mutualism symbiosis is based on a relationship of use for mutual …

Maximising net zero in energy-intensive industries: An overview of ai applications for greenhouse gas reduction

A Saggar, B Nigam - Journal of Climate Change, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
The impact of global warming on the environment is a significant concern, and finding
effective ways to address climate change is a priority. This paper investigates how Artificial …

Influence of product selection criteria on clothing purchase and post-purchase behaviours: A gender and generational comparison

G Barrera-Verdugo, A Villarroel-Villarroel - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
Purchasing and consumption behaviour is a factor with an important impact on sustainable
development. In this regard, the clothing category plays a key role due to the high volume of …

[PDF][PDF] Inovasi Eco-Enzyme dalam Mendukung Pemerintah Menuju Net Zero Emission di Indonesia

FW Yulistiar, S Manggalou - Public Inspiration: Jurnal …, 2023 - ejurnal.warmadewa.ac.id
To support the Indonesian government's efforts in achieving the Net Zero Emission target,
one reliable solution is to apply the Eco-Enzyme innovation. Eco-Enzyme is an …

Proximate, minerals, carotenoid and trypsin inhibitor composition in the exoskeletons of seafood gastropods and their potentials for sustainable circular utilisation

IO Elegbede, A Lawal-Are, R Oloyede, RO Sanni… - Scientific Reports, 2023 - nature.com
Periwinkle shells of Tympanotonus fuscatus, Pachymelania aurita, and Thais coronata were
analyzed for their proximate composition, nutritionally significant minerals, trypsin inhibitors …

Unlocking sustainability: prioritizing barriers for SME success in India with AHP analysis

V Pandey, S Kumar, S Gupta, N Khatri - Journal of Global …, 2024 - Springer
Purpose Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) constitute the nation's foundation and
facilitate the advancement of invention and economic progress. Sustainability is considered …

[PDF][PDF] A deep learning prediction model to Predict Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia

F Aljuaydi, BK Behera… - Applied Mathematics …, 2024 - naturalspublishing.com
This paper introduces a novel deep learning model specifically designed for predicting
climate change in Saudi Arabia until the year 2030. The proposed model, called CNN …


H Susiati, MS Bahari, MD Birmano, D Priambodo… - 2023 - books.google.com
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman tentang potensi energi nuklir sebagai solusi dalam
mencapai tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan dan pengurangan emisi karbon. Dari dasar …