Current status of advancement in remediation technologies for the toxic metal mercury in the environment: A critical review
Currently, pollution due to heavy metals, in particular dissolved mercury, is a major concern
for society and the environment. This work aims to evaluate the current scenario regarding …
for society and the environment. This work aims to evaluate the current scenario regarding …
[HTML][HTML] Dyes adsorption from aqueous media through the nanotechnology: A review
The article aims to review the research findings on the adsorption of dyes from aqueous
media. It was observed from the review that activated carbon and Polymer based …
media. It was observed from the review that activated carbon and Polymer based …
Development of ABO4‐type photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting with zero carbon emissions is a promising
technology to solve the global issues of energy shortage and environmental pollution …
technology to solve the global issues of energy shortage and environmental pollution …
Comprehensive review on machine learning methodologies for modeling dye removal processes in wastewater
A wide range of dyes are being disposed in water bodies from several industrial runoff and
the quantity is rapidly increasing over the years. From an environmental safety point of view …
the quantity is rapidly increasing over the years. From an environmental safety point of view …
Terminalia catappa shell as low-cost biosorbent for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions
Synthetic dyes from effluents and wastewaters can be harmful to the ecosystem even at low
concentrations. This study evaluated the performance of biosorbent from Terminalia catappa …
concentrations. This study evaluated the performance of biosorbent from Terminalia catappa …
An empirical literature analysis of adsorbent performance for methylene blue uptake from aqueous media
Methylene blue (MB) is a heterocyclic aromatic compound used as a medication or as a
synthetic dye for textiles. Due to its ecotoxicity, researchers have been investigating its …
synthetic dye for textiles. Due to its ecotoxicity, researchers have been investigating its …
Congo red dye removal using modified banana leaves: Adsorption equilibrium, kinetics, and reusability analysis
Congo red (CR) dye is a synthetic azo dye expansively used in the textile industry, is
discharged to aquatic environments, and is toxic to humans and aquatic flora. The …
discharged to aquatic environments, and is toxic to humans and aquatic flora. The …
Progress of artificial neural networks applications in hydrogen production
The demand for green energy is expanding, and it seems that hydrogen is the best option
that can be produced and stored in large quantities. Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier …
that can be produced and stored in large quantities. Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier …
[HTML][HTML] The using of nanoparticles of microalgae in remediation of toxic dye from industrial wastewater: kinetic and isotherm studies
Batch adsorption experiments were carried out to study the removal of the toxic Methylene
Blue Dye (MBD) from synthetic aqueous solutions using the nanoparticles form of …
Blue Dye (MBD) from synthetic aqueous solutions using the nanoparticles form of …
Removal of mercury from industrial effluents by adsorption and advanced oxidation processes: A comprehensive review
The review discusses the removal of mercury (Hg) from wastewater by advanced oxidation
processes (AOPs) and adsorption. The Hg adsorption in batch and column method was …
processes (AOPs) and adsorption. The Hg adsorption in batch and column method was …