[PDF][PDF] A uniform syntax for phrasal movement: A case study of Dinka Bor
C Van Urk - 2015 - cvanurk.sllf.qmul.ac.uk
This dissertation examines the question of why there should be different types of phrasal
movement, with different syntactic and semantic properties. I develop the hypothesis that all …
movement, with different syntactic and semantic properties. I develop the hypothesis that all …
Precede-and-command revisited
The relation of c-command (Reinhart 1976, 1983) is widely believed to be the fundamental
relation in syntax, underlying such diverse phenomena as coreference (the binding …
relation in syntax, underlying such diverse phenomena as coreference (the binding …
Minimize restrictors!(Notes on definite descriptions, Condition C and epithets)
Following a general line explored by Bolinger, Reinhart, Levinson and Schein, we seek to
derive Condition C of the Binding Theory from a Gricean maxim of minimization (Minimize …
derive Condition C of the Binding Theory from a Gricean maxim of minimization (Minimize …
How indefinites choose their scope
The paper proposes a novel solution to the problem of scope posed by natural language
indefinites that captures both the difference in scopal freedom between indefinites and bona …
indefinites that captures both the difference in scopal freedom between indefinites and bona …
On labeling: Principle C and head movement
In this paper, we critically reexamine the two algorithms that govern phrase structure
building according to Chomsky (2008). We replace them with a unique algorithm, the …
building according to Chomsky (2008). We replace them with a unique algorithm, the …
Implicatures in the DP domain
PP Marty - 2017 - dspace.mit.edu
In this thesis, I investigate a set of apparently disparate phenomena that relate, more or less
closely, to the interpretation of Determiner Phrases (DPs): the restrictiveness effects …
closely, to the interpretation of Determiner Phrases (DPs): the restrictiveness effects …
[ספר][B] Giving reflexivity a voice: Twin reflexives in English
BT Ahn - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Across languages, there is variability in the surface realization of reflexivity, according to
various sets of properties. For example, there are languages (eg Greek, Lakhota) that seem …
various sets of properties. For example, there are languages (eg Greek, Lakhota) that seem …
The syntax, semantics and processing of agreement and binding grammatical illusions
H Ke - 2019 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
The overall goal of this dissertation is to establish a linking theory between the syntax and
semantics and the processing of subject-verb agreement and reflexive binding. This …
semantics and the processing of subject-verb agreement and reflexive binding. This …
Perspectival control and obviation in directive clauses
The paper proposes a new type of control configuration: perspectival control. This involves
control of a non-argument PRO that combines with a directive modal operator in the Mood …
control of a non-argument PRO that combines with a directive modal operator in the Mood …
Assessing unaccusativity and reflexivity: Using focus alternatives to decide what gets which θ-role
D Sportiche - Linguistic Inquiry, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In reflexive constructions, two arguments corefer. This makes it hard to decide which
argument bears which θ-role, and consequently to assess whether unaccusativity is …
argument bears which θ-role, and consequently to assess whether unaccusativity is …