Criterion A: Level of personality functioning in the alternative DSM–5 model for personality disorders.
Criterion A, as represented by Level of Personality Functioning (LPF), offers a means by
which to conceptualize the core impairment in self and interpersonal functioning that …
which to conceptualize the core impairment in self and interpersonal functioning that …
A brief but comprehensive review of research on the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders
Abstract Purpose of Review Both the Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders
(AMPD) and the chapter on personality disorders (PD) in the recent version of ICD-11 …
(AMPD) and the chapter on personality disorders (PD) in the recent version of ICD-11 …
DSM-5 level of personality functioning: Refocusing personality disorder on what it means to be human
Level of Personality Functioning (LPF) represents the entry criterion (Criterion A) of the
Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and …
Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and …
Controversies in narcissism
There has been a surge in interest in and research on narcissism and narcissistic
personality disorder (NPD). Despite or because of this increased attention, there are several …
personality disorder (NPD). Despite or because of this increased attention, there are several …
The Level of Personality Functioning Scale‐Brief Form 2.0: Update of a brief instrument for assessing level of personality functioning
LC Weekers, J Hutsebaut… - Personality and Mental …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Section III of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.) introduced
the alternative model of personality disorders that includes assessing levels of personality …
the alternative model of personality disorders that includes assessing levels of personality …
A psychometric review of the Personality Inventory for DSM–5 (PID–5): Current status and future directions
The paradigm of personality psychopathology is shifting from one that is purely categorical
in nature to one grounded in dimensional individual differences. Section III (Emerging …
in nature to one grounded in dimensional individual differences. Section III (Emerging …
Clinical utility of the alternative model of personality disorders: A 10th year anniversary review.
Abstract The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition,(DSM–5)
alternative model of personality disorders (AMPD) has now been available for researchers …
alternative model of personality disorders (AMPD) has now been available for researchers …
Testing whether the DSM-5 personality disorder trait model can be measured with a reduced set of items: An item response theory investigation of the Personality …
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
includes an alternative model of personality disorders (PDs) in Section III, consisting in part …
includes an alternative model of personality disorders (PDs) in Section III, consisting in part …
The role of the DSM-5 personality trait model in moving toward a quantitative and empirically based approach to classifying personality and psychopathology
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
represents a watershed moment in the history of official psychopathology classification …
represents a watershed moment in the history of official psychopathology classification …
Vulnerable narcissism is (mostly) a disorder of neuroticism
Objective Increasing attention has been paid to the distinction between the dimensions of
narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability. We examine the degree to which basic traits …
narcissistic grandiosity and vulnerability. We examine the degree to which basic traits …