Workflows community summit 2022: A roadmap revolution
Scientific workflows have become integral tools in broad scientific computing use cases.
Science discovery is increasingly dependent on workflows to orchestrate large and complex …
Science discovery is increasingly dependent on workflows to orchestrate large and complex …
Globus automation services: Research process automation across the space–time continuum
Research process automation–the reliable, efficient, and reproducible execution of linked
sets of actions on scientific instruments, computers, data stores, and other resources–has …
sets of actions on scientific instruments, computers, data stores, and other resources–has …
Workflows community summit 2024: Future trends and challenges in scientific workflows
The Workflows Community Summit gathered 111 participants from 18 countries to discuss
emerging trends and challenges in scientific workflows, focusing on six key areas: time …
emerging trends and challenges in scientific workflows, focusing on six key areas: time …
Frontiers in scientific workflows: Pervasive integration with high-performance computing
We address the increasing complexity of scientific workflows in the context of high-
performance computing (HPC) and their associated need for robust, adaptable, and flexible …
performance computing (HPC) and their associated need for robust, adaptable, and flexible …
Towards lightweight data integration using multi-workflow provenance and data observability
Modern large-scale scientific discovery requires multidisciplinary collaboration across
diverse computing facilities, including High Performance Computing (HPC) machines and …
diverse computing facilities, including High Performance Computing (HPC) machines and …
Bridging hpc communities through the julia programming language
The Julia programming language has evolved into a modern alternative to fill existing gaps
in scientific computing and data science applications. Julia leverages a unified and …
in scientific computing and data science applications. Julia leverages a unified and …
Driving next-generation workflows from the data plane
We observe the emergence of a new generation of scientific workflows that process data
produced at a sustained rate by scientific instruments and large scale numerical simulations …
produced at a sustained rate by scientific instruments and large scale numerical simulations …
Real‐time XFEL data analysis at SLAC and NERSC: A trial run of nascent exascale experimental data analysis
X‐ray scattering experiments using free electron lasers (XFELs) are a powerful tool to
determine the molecular structure and function of unknown samples (such as COVID‐19 …
determine the molecular structure and function of unknown samples (such as COVID‐19 …
The LBNL superfacility project report
D Bard, C Snavely, L Gerhardt, J Lee, B Totzke… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
The Superfacility model is designed to leverage HPC for experimental science. It is more
than simply a model of connected experiment, network, and HPC facilities; it encompasses …
than simply a model of connected experiment, network, and HPC facilities; it encompasses …
Integrating HPC, AI, and Workflows for Scientific Data Analysis (Dagstuhl Seminar 23352)
Abstract The Dagstuhl Seminar 23352, titled" Integrating HPC, AI, and Workflows for
Scientific Data Analysis," held from August 27 to September 1, 2023, was a significant event …
Scientific Data Analysis," held from August 27 to September 1, 2023, was a significant event …