A post-quantum secure PUF based cross-domain authentication mechanism for Internet of drones

AS Nair, SM Thampi, V Jafeel - Vehicular Communications, 2024 - Elsevier
With the increasing prevalence of drones, guaranteeing their authentication and secure
communication has become paramount in drone networks to mitigate unauthorized access …

Distribution of controlled unitary quantum gates towards factoring large numbers on today's small-register devices

A Tănăsescu, D Constantinescu, PG Popescu - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Factoring a 2048-bit number using Shor's algorithm, when accounting for error correction,
reportedly requires 400,000 qubits. However, it is well known that there is yet much time …

Adapting belief propagation to counter shuffling of NTTs

J Hermelink, S Streit, E Strieder… - IACR Transactions on …, 2023 - ojs.ub.rub.de
The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) is a major building block in recently introduced
lattice based post-quantum (PQ) cryptography. The NTT was target of a number of recently …

Cryptographic challenges and security in post quantum cryptography migration: A prospective approach

AK Pandey, A Banati, B Rajendran… - … on Public Key …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a rapidly develo** field that addresses the potential
threat quantum computers pose to the security of current cryptographic algorithms. With the …

[HTML][HTML] Новая концепция разработки постквантовых алгоритмов цифровой подписи на некоммутативных алгебрах

ДН Молдовян, АА Молдовян… - Вопросы …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Цель работы: разработка нового подхода к построению постквантовых алгоритмов
цифровой подписи, свободных от недостатков известных аналогов-больших размеров …

[КНИГА][B] Applied Quantum Cryptanalysis

A Petrenko - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
Today we witness an explosive growth in attention to Q-computing. Q-computing
technologies, along with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of quantum computing on IT security

N Nyári - Biztonságtudományi Szemle, 2021 - biztonsagtudomanyi.szemle.uni …
Az informatikai biztonság, azon belül is a logikai védelem egyik fontos részterülete a
kriptográfia, vagyis a rejtjelezés tudománya. A kvantumfölény elérése, a …

Quantum algorithmic solutions to the shortest vector problem on simulated coherent Ising machines

E Dable-Heath, L Casas, C Porter, F Mintert… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
Quantum computing poses a threat to contemporary cryptosystems, with advances to a state
in which it will cause problems predicted for the next few decades. Many of the proposed …

Post-quantum signature algorithms on noncommutative algebras, using difficulty of solving systems of quadratic equations

MT Duong, DN Moldovyan, BV Do… - Computer Standards & …, 2023 - Elsevier
A recently proposed new concept for constructing algebraic signature schemes with a
hidden group is used to develop two new post-quantum signature algorithms on four …

A new type of digital signature algorithms with a hidden group

D Moldovyan - Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2023 - ibn.idsi.md
The known designs of digital signature schemes with a hidden group, which use finite non-
commutative algebras as algebraic support, are based on the computational complexity of …