[KNYGA][B] Domination games played on graphs

B Brešar, MA Henning, S Klavžar, DF Rall - 2021 - Springer
At its most basic level, this book is about dominating sets in graphs. A dominating set of a
graph G is a subset D of vertices having the property that each vertex of G is in D or is …

A Proof of the 3/4-Conjecture for the Total Domination Game

J Portier, LV Versteegen - SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2025 - SIAM
The total domination game is a game played on a graph by 2 players, Dominator and Staller,
who alternate in selecting vertices such that each newly selected vertex increases the …

[HTML][HTML] Fast winning strategies for Staller in the Maker–Breaker domination game

C Bujtás, P Dokyeesun - Discrete applied mathematics, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Maker–Breaker domination game is played on a graph G by two players, called
Dominator and Staller, who alternately choose a vertex that has not been played so far …

1/2-conjectures on the domination game and claw-free graphs

C Bujtás, V Iršič, S Klavžar - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2022 - Elsevier
Let γ g (G) be the game domination number of a graph G. Rall conjectured that if G is a
traceable graph, then γ g (G)≤ 1 2 n (G). Our main result verifies the conjecture over the …

On Rall's 1/2-conjecture on the domination game

C Bujtás, V Iršič, S Klavžar, K Xu - Quaestiones Mathematicae, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract The 1/2-conjecture on the domination game asserts that if G is a traceable graph,
then the game domination number γg (G) of G is at most A traceable graph is a 1/2-graph if …

Connected domination game played on Cartesian products

C Bujtás, P Dokyeesun, V Iršič, S Klavžar - Open Mathematics, 2019 - degruyter.com
The connected domination game on a graph G is played by Dominator and Staller according
to the rules of the standard domination game with the additional requirement that at each …

[HTML][HTML] General upper bound on the game domination number

C Bujtás - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2020 - Elsevier
It is conjectured that the game domination number is at most 3 n∕ 5 for every n-vertex graph
which does not contain isolated vertices. It was proved in the recent years that the conjecture …


V Iršič - Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2022 - JSTOR
The connected domination game was introduced in 2019 by Borowiecki, Fiedorowicz and
Sidorowicz as another variation of the domination game. We answer a problem from their …

Predominating a vertex in the connected domination game

C Bujtás, V Iršič, S Klavžar - Graphs and Combinatorics, 2022 - Springer
The connected domination game is played just as the domination game, with an additional
requirement that at each stage of the game the vertices played induce a connected …

4-Total domination game critical graphs

C Worawannotai, K Charoensitthichai - … Algorithms and Applications, 2024 - World Scientific
The total domination game is played on a simple graph G with no isolated vertices by two
players, Dominator and Staller, who alternate choosing a vertex in G. Each chosen vertex …