[KNYGA][B] Domination games played on graphs
At its most basic level, this book is about dominating sets in graphs. A dominating set of a
graph G is a subset D of vertices having the property that each vertex of G is in D or is …
graph G is a subset D of vertices having the property that each vertex of G is in D or is …
A Proof of the 3/4-Conjecture for the Total Domination Game
J Portier, LV Versteegen - SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2025 - SIAM
The total domination game is a game played on a graph by 2 players, Dominator and Staller,
who alternate in selecting vertices such that each newly selected vertex increases the …
who alternate in selecting vertices such that each newly selected vertex increases the …
[HTML][HTML] Fast winning strategies for Staller in the Maker–Breaker domination game
C Bujtás, P Dokyeesun - Discrete applied mathematics, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Maker–Breaker domination game is played on a graph G by two players, called
Dominator and Staller, who alternately choose a vertex that has not been played so far …
Dominator and Staller, who alternately choose a vertex that has not been played so far …
1/2-conjectures on the domination game and claw-free graphs
Let γ g (G) be the game domination number of a graph G. Rall conjectured that if G is a
traceable graph, then γ g (G)≤ 1 2 n (G). Our main result verifies the conjecture over the …
traceable graph, then γ g (G)≤ 1 2 n (G). Our main result verifies the conjecture over the …
On Rall's 1/2-conjecture on the domination game
Abstract The 1/2-conjecture on the domination game asserts that if G is a traceable graph,
then the game domination number γg (G) of G is at most A traceable graph is a 1/2-graph if …
then the game domination number γg (G) of G is at most A traceable graph is a 1/2-graph if …
Connected domination game played on Cartesian products
The connected domination game on a graph G is played by Dominator and Staller according
to the rules of the standard domination game with the additional requirement that at each …
to the rules of the standard domination game with the additional requirement that at each …
[HTML][HTML] General upper bound on the game domination number
C Bujtás - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2020 - Elsevier
It is conjectured that the game domination number is at most 3 n∕ 5 for every n-vertex graph
which does not contain isolated vertices. It was proved in the recent years that the conjecture …
which does not contain isolated vertices. It was proved in the recent years that the conjecture …
V Iršič - Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2022 - JSTOR
The connected domination game was introduced in 2019 by Borowiecki, Fiedorowicz and
Sidorowicz as another variation of the domination game. We answer a problem from their …
Sidorowicz as another variation of the domination game. We answer a problem from their …
Predominating a vertex in the connected domination game
The connected domination game is played just as the domination game, with an additional
requirement that at each stage of the game the vertices played induce a connected …
requirement that at each stage of the game the vertices played induce a connected …
4-Total domination game critical graphs
C Worawannotai, K Charoensitthichai - … Algorithms and Applications, 2024 - World Scientific
The total domination game is played on a simple graph G with no isolated vertices by two
players, Dominator and Staller, who alternate choosing a vertex in G. Each chosen vertex …
players, Dominator and Staller, who alternate choosing a vertex in G. Each chosen vertex …